


1 year, 4 months ago


Character Profile


Name Soveliss Amakiir
Called Posh
Age Young Adult
Gender Cis-Male
Race High Elf
Height 5'8"
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Zodiac Leo
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Relationship Status Single

Good Traits

  • Charismatic
  • Loyal
  • Confident

Bad Traits

  • Vain
  • Dramatic
  • Impatient


  • Drinking red wine
  • Spending time w/ his daughter
  • Performing for people


  • Talking about his past
  • People speaking ill of his daughter
  • Doing paperwork


WARNING: Not for minors or the faint of heart.

Content contains mention of SA, Grape, and other dark themes.


The moment Soveliss drew his first breath, he became familiar with a world of secrecy and deception, his life shrouded in the shadows of noble society and politics. The true origin story remained a closely guarded secret, veiled from the scrutiny of outsiders and the whispers of gossip, as Soveliss was born into a clandestine union between a high-elven noble father and a human-maid mother. Their love, once pure and tender, was shattered by the cruel mandates of The Council, forcing Soveliss's father to sever ties with his beloved and marry another woman. Soon, the newborn would be raised under the illusion of legitimacy, presented to the world as the firstborn son of his father and his noble wife, a facade meticulously crafted to appease the prying eyes of society. The biological mother watched over Soveliss from a distance, her heart heavy with keeping this secret hidden from her sweet boy. Unable to reveal her genuine relationship to Soveliss, sacrificing her happiness and safety in a desperate bid to secure her son's future and protect him from The Council's scrutiny, she made a pact with a powerful hag, trading her soul for the chance to transform her son into a full-blooded high-elf. It was a decision born of love and sacrifice, a final act of defiance against the cruel fate that had befallen her son. Unbeknownst to Soveliss, his mother’s actions were kept a secret from everyone but his Father. Not even The Council knew about the details of this dark bargain as it remained hidden. This event was a silent testament to Soveliss, showing the depths of a mother's true devotion. Under the guise of legitimacy, Soveliss was presented to the world as the firstborn son of his father and his noble wife, a facade meticulously crafted to appease society's prying eyes. The origin story remained hidden beneath layers of noble decorum and whispered secrets. Meanwhile, his mother, relegated to the status of a servant, watched over him as her heart weighed heavy from sacrifice. Navigating the complexities of his noble upbringing, Soveliss believed he was the legitimate son of his father and his noble wife, unaware of the truth that lay dormant beneath the surface. Even as Soveliss's physical form began to change, he remained oblivious and unaware, but deep within his heart, a sense of longing stirred as if something didn’t feel quite right. As the years passed, Soveliss could never shake the feeling of being an outsider, a nagging sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. The arrival of his younger half-brother, born of his father's legitimate marriage, only served to deepen his feelings of alienation. Though they shared blood, Soveliss was treated and seen as the lesser son. Their Father, once a beacon of kindness and warmth, grew cold and distant as Soveliss became a constant unwanted reminder of his secret forbidden past. The poor man concealed the weight of his pain in the shadows. Soveliss would soon find himself adrift in a web of lies, longing for answers denied to him since birth.


The Amakiir household had a maladaptive family dynamic; Soveliss's teenage years were marred by the constant light of his younger half-brother, the favored child in their Father's eyes. Despite being recognized for his heightened magical abilities, Soveliss always felt overshadowed by his brother's academic achievements, leading to a tense rivalry between the two siblings. Throughout these formative years, Soveliss endured relentless verbal and mental abuse from his StepMother and half-brother, their cruel words chipping away at his self-esteem. The only solace he found was in the tender care of the maid who had always shown him kindness, her presence a balm to his wounded spirit. On the other hand, Soveliss's Father remained aloof and indifferent, with a frigid demeanor towards his older son. It wasn't until a heated altercation with his younger half-brother that the truth of Soveliss's parentage and illegitimacy was unwittingly revealed in a fit of anger from their Father attempting to part the brawl. Observing the unfortunate incident, the maid, Soveliss’s real Mother, could only shed tears of sorrow. Overwhelmed by a tidal wave of emotions—anger, confusion, and heartbreak—Soveliss, feeling ultimately betrayed, made the difficult decision to flee his family home, leaving behind everything he had ever known. With nothing but the clothes on his back and a handful of coins, he embarked on a journey into the unknown, determined to forge his path and escape the suffocating confines of his past. Time trickled away like grains of sand slipping through an hourglass; Soveliss eventually settled into his new life in the small town. Seeking solace within the walls of an inn, Soveliss expended his final coins on a comforting bed and a nourishing meal to replenish his weary body. Despite indulging in a hot meal and resting in a warm bed, Soveliss remained consumed by despair. Uncertain of his next steps and feeling utterly bereft of purpose, he contemplated ending his life then and there, his desperation palpable in the air. As night fell, these somber thoughts were set aside as the young boy drifted into a fitful sleep. The following morning, word of Soveliss's arrival reached the ears of the local brothel owner, a respected female cloud giant. Empathizing with the young boy, she extended her protective wing, offering Soveliss refuge and guidance. Though hesitant initially, he recognized he had no other recourse and reluctantly accepted her offer. Under the guidance of his new boss, Soveliss quickly discovered a sense of belonging and purpose. Despite his troubled past, he quickly adapted to his role as an errand boy, using his charm and natural charisma to endear himself to the townsfolk. Their skills rapidly improved, leading to more responsibilities and opportunities for private assignments, enabling him to thrive in his newfound profession. Guided by his boss, Soveliss refined his entertainment skills and mastered the art of social interaction. Each day has brought him newfound confidence and expertise as he dazzled audiences with his performances and garnered generous tips. This flourishing new career in the brothel not only ensured a stable income but also granted him a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment previously unknown to him. Young Soveliss continued flourishing; his boss acknowledged his potential and elevated him to her trusted confidant. This newfound position enabled him to demonstrate his resourcefulness, cementing his status as a dependable and adept figure within her brothel. With each new challenge, Soveliss embraced the chance to validate his abilities, steadfast in his resolve to forge a brighter path forward despite the shadows of his past.

Early Adulthood



  • Soveliss is consider to be a Bard from the College of Glamour.
  • Although mainly a bard Soveliss does have magical knowledge from the School of Illusion making him technically a Wizard as well.
  • None
  • None
  • None



Penelope Amakiir [ Adopted Daughter ]

Penelope Amakiir, an 8 year old human girl, possesses long, beautifully wild ginger hair that cascades around her shoulders, complementing her deep green eyes. The beloved adopted daughter of Soveliss Amakiir, who treasures her deeply and would do anything to ensure her safety and happiness.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.