Hikari Takami



1 year, 5 months ago


Personal Data
Hikari Takami
Angel Wings
L.O.V(currentish)/Hero Public Safety Commission(Formerly)
October 2
157.48 CM
Blood Type
Nature and Animals, Music and Art, and Acts of Kindness
Fighting Style
Ranged + support combat
Hero's Status

Hikari Takami, known by her hero name Mercy, was born into a family tainted by villainy. Her parents, infamous villains, raised her and her brother Hawks in an environment plagued by darkness, abuse, and twisted ideologies. Despite the torment they endured, Hikari and Hawks managed to find solace and strength in each other. The siblings' childhood was marked by isolation, confined to their home to prevent their parents' secrets from being exposed. This isolation led Hikari to immerse herself in the world of heroes through television and media. She admired their selfless actions, believing that there was a better path than the one dictated by her parents. As Hikari and Hawks grew older, their Quirks manifested. Hikari's Quirk, Angel Wings, granted her the ability to sprout ethereal wings from her back. These wings gave her the power of flight, enhanced speed, and exceptional maneuverability. It was during this time that Hikari's desire to break free from her family's villainous legacy intensified. Inspired by the heroes they witnessed, Hikari and Hawks dedicated themselves to training, pushing their physical and Quirk abilities to their limits. Their determination did not go unnoticed by the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC). Recognizing their potential and their unwavering commitment to overcoming their past, the HPSC intervened to offer them a chance at redemption. Separating Hikari and Hawks from their parents, the HPSC provided them with new identities and enrolled them in an intensive training program. Hikari embraced her newfound opportunity to become a hero, adopting the name Mercy as a reflection of her unwavering commitment to healing and redemption. During her training, Hikari discovered an extraordinary ability within her Quirk. When her feathers detached and landed on someone, they would dissolve into the person's body, triggering a powerful healing process. This unique aspect of her Quirk granted her the ability to mend wounds, alleviate pain, and bring comfort to those in need. As Mercy, Hikari developed a reputation for her compassionate and selfless approach to heroism. She embodied the principles of mercy, healing, and redemption, aiming to counteract the pain and suffering she had experienced in her past. Her Angel Wings allowed her to swiftly respond to emergencies and reach those in need, embodying the symbol of hope she had admired in heroes throughout her childhood. Despite her dedication to heroism, Hikari never forgot her bond with her brother Hawks. They supported each other on their respective paths, collaborating on missions when their goals aligned. Hikari's love for Hawks remained a guiding force, and she vowed to protect him and keep him safe from the darkness that had consumed their parents. As Mercy, Hikari strived to make amends for her family's villainous legacy and bring healing to a world filled with pain. She became a symbol of compassion and redemption, utilizing her healing abilities to mend both physical and emotional wounds. With her angelic wings and unwavering resolve, Mercy soared through the skies, offering solace and hope to those who needed it most. During a critical mission, Mercy and Hawks found themselves going undercover within the League of Villains (L.O.V.), an experience that would profoundly impact Mercy's life. It was during this operation that she crossed paths with Toga, a member of the L.O.V. whose psychotic and flirty personality intrigued Mercy. As Mercy spent more time with Toga, a deep connection formed between them. Mercy found herself captivated by Toga's enigmatic nature and began to develop romantic feelings for her. Despite the conflicting loyalties and the risks involved, Mercy couldn't deny the powerful bond they shared. They confided in each other, their friendship evolving into a passionate love that transcended the boundaries of their opposing roles. However, their relationship became entangled with the complexities of their missions. Mercy's affection for Toga began to cloud her judgment and compromise her primary mission. The line between her duty as a hero and her love for Toga became blurred, creating a difficult internal struggle. Tragedy struck when Hawks, driven by his own motivations, took the life of Twice, a member of the L.O.V. This act shattered the delicate balance Mercy had managed to maintain. She was heartbroken, torn between her loyalty to her brother and her love for Toga. Mercy desperately assured Toga that she had no part in the plan and that she condemned her brother's actions. Toga, though initially hurt and confused, slowly began to forgive Mercy. Understanding the complexity of their circumstances, she recognized that Mercy had chosen a different path from her brother. Mercy's unwavering love and support for Toga during this tumultuous time solidified their bond even further. As Mercy watched her brother recover in the hospital, she realized that their paths had diverged irreversibly. She visited Hawks and bid him farewell, assuring him of her love and forgiveness. Though their relationship had been strained, the sibling connection endured, albeit in a different form. Mercy made the firm decision to distance herself from villainous activities, as they went against her core morals and principles. She remained devoted to her role as a hero, dedicated to protecting others and bringing healing to the world. However, her love for Toga remained unwavering, and she vowed to stand by her side no matter what. When the need arose, Mercy fearlessly protected Toga, even if it meant clashing with other heroes. She used her healing abilities to mend Toga's wounds, both physical and emotional, offering her unwavering support. Mercy understood that love could be a complicated and challenging path, but she remained steadfast in her commitment to Toga and the pursuit of a better future together.


Ability 1
Feather Manipulation: Mercy has the ability to control and manipulate her feathers at will. She can command her feathers to move, change shape, and alter their density and sharpness. This grants her exceptional control over her attacks and defensive maneuvers. She can launch her feathers as projectiles, using them to strike opponents with pinpoint accuracy or create defensive barriers by arranging her feathers in a shield-like formation.
Ability 2
Feather Weapons: Mercy can transform her feathers into formidable weapons. By manipulating their shape and density, she can fashion her feathers into sharp blades, spears, or even whip-like constructs. This allows her to engage in close combat with deadly precision, using her feather weapons to disarm or incapacitate opponents.
Ability 3
Feathers as Sensors: Mercy's feathers serve as an extension of her senses. She can utilize them as sensory receptors, enabling her to detect subtle vibrations, changes in air currents, or even the presence of invisible entities. This heightened sensory perception grants her an advantage in tracking and reconnaissance missions.
Ability 4
Feather Regeneration: Mercy has the ability to regenerate her feathers at a rapid rate. If her feathers are damaged or destroyed, she can swiftly replenish them, ensuring a continuous supply for her various abilities. This regeneration ability allows her to maintain her offensive and defensive capabilities even in prolonged battles.
Ability 5
Healing Feathers: The primary aspect of Mercy's Quirk is the ability to generate healing feathers. When her feathers detach and land on someone, they dissolve into the person's body, initiating a regenerative process. These healing feathers have the power to mend wounds, accelerate recovery, and alleviate pain. Mercy can use her feathers to heal injuries, restore stamina, and provide essential care to those in need.
Ability 6
Angel Wings Flight and Agility: Mercy has wings on her back, granting her the ability to fly with exceptional speed and maneuverability. Her wings allow her to swiftly navigate through the air, granting her an advantage in both transportation and combat situations. She can perform agile aerial maneuvers and evade attacks with grace and precision.

Angel Wings
with this Quirk, Hikari has wings on her back, granting her the ability to fly and maneuver with exceptional speed and agility. Additionally, Mercy's Quirk holds a unique aspect of healing. When her feathers detach and come into contact with someone, they dissolve into the person's body, initiating a regenerative process.
Super Moves

Feathered Renewal
Mercy's super move, Feathered Renewal, combines her healing abilities and feather manipulation to provide vital support in battle. By infusing her feathers with potent healing energy, she showers her allies with rejuvenation, swiftly mending wounds and restoring stamina. Simultaneously, Mercy creates a defensive barrier using her feather control, shielding her allies from incoming attacks. Feathered Renewal showcases Mercy's seamless blend of healing and feather manipulation, offering powerful restoration and protection on the battlefield.
  • Feathered Cyclone
    Feathered Cyclone is Mercy's sub move, a devastating attack that showcases her precise control over her feather manipulation. She summons a swirling cyclone of razor-sharp feathers, launching them towards her opponents with remarkable speed and accuracy. The feathers cut through defenses and inflict deep wounds, incapacitating her enemies. Additionally, the healing energy infused within the feathers provides a subtle restorative effect to her allies upon contact. Feathered Cyclone demonstrates Mercy's offensive prowess and her ability to support her team simultaneously.

Hawks/Keigo Takami | Older Brother
Mercy shares a close and loving bond with her brother, Hawks. They have faced challenges together and collaborated on missions, using their complementary abilities. However, their relationship became complicated during their undercover mission in the League of Villains when Mercy developed feelings for Toga. Despite the strain caused, Mercy still loves her brother deeply and visited him in the hospital, expressing forgiveness and understanding. Their bond remains strong, even as they navigate their separate paths.
Himiko Toga | Girlfriend
Mercy shares a complex and deep romantic relationship with Himiko Toga. They met during their undercover mission in the League of Villains and grew closer as friends, eventually becoming girlfriends. Despite the challenges they face, Mercy's love for Himiko remains unwavering, and she is dedicated to protecting and supporting her. Mercy's healing abilities are often used to mend Himiko's wounds, and their bond is marked by a deep connection and understanding..
Ochaco Uraraka | Rival
Hikari and Ochaco Uraraka have a deeply strained relationship filled with animosity and misunderstanding. Ochaco sees Hikari as a traitor for her association with the League of Villains and her love for Toga, while Hikari dislikes Ochaco for not understanding her past and hurting Toga's feelings. Their interactions are tense and confrontational, with little hope for reconciliation in sight.