Evie (Retired)



8 years, 8 months ago



  • Name

    • Evie
  • Nicknames

    • Ev, wild child, 
  • Age

    • 18
  • Personality type

    • Peppy
  • Orientation:

    • Bi-Sexual
  • Occupation

    • Boutique Co-Owner
  • Animal

    • Dog (Poodle)


  • Likes:

    • Trash cans (she can spray paint them without getting in trouble...)
    • Fruit Tarts
    • Cottage Pie
    • Fossils
    • Video Games
    • Music
  • Dislikes: 

    • Cute Bouquet
    • Iced Latte
    • Boring people
    • Cold Weather
  • Fears: 

    • Falling in holes (When she was little she fell into a hole and thought she'd never get out)

                                                        Energetic | Adventurous | Creative | Friendly
                                                        Impatient | Childish | Irresponsible |

Evie's a spunky ball of energy that enjoys being happy and friendly to everyone she's meets. Her childish nature makes her great to be around if you want to have a good time, but not for those who are serious or mature minded. She's creative and excels in clothing design, like her older sister, and spray paint art. She loves doing quest that require exploring and treats them as adventures but she's pretty irresponsible and can not perform them efficiently alone. She's also really impatient so be sure if you have an appointment with her you're on time or you'll face her wraith.

[BACKGROUND]: Evelyn, or Eve as she likes to be referred to as, grew up in as the youngest child and was spoiled with the finest and well designed clothes by her parents. But she always felt out of place among her pampered well behaved family. The only thing she had in common with her mother and sister was her love for making clothing although her style taste was different from them. She loved the feel of wearing the clothes she made that gave her the feeling of being free and different. Her mother being sweet and loving of both her daughters encouraged her to continue

Extra: - Inc-


  • Fishing skill: 3/10
  • Cooking skill: 7/10
  • Drawing skill: 10/10
  • Gardening skill: 1/10

    • Total: 20


  • Annabelle (Older Sister) -