Kon Yamato



1 year, 5 months ago


Yamato Kon
Basic Info


Yamato Kon
Newspaper Photographer

Design info


172 cm

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.


When Kon was about three years old (1979), his parents took a trip outside of Japan for their Anniversary, but would tragically die and leave him with his paternal grandparents. His grandmother would often sit with him over a family album, telling stories and how much they loved him. At the time he just couldn't comprehend what happened and became very withdrawn. Even though he had an outpour of sympathy and love from his grandparents and community, he felt empty. He clung to the photos of his parents and dug through their belongings trying to find more of them. When he was about six years old he stumbled upon his mothers old camera. She was a wildlife photographer and used to bring Kon along on her strolls around Kinomori. She explained that sometimes animals vanish from earth and it is part of her job to take pictures and catalog the ones she finds, so we don’t forget them. Ever since finding the camera, Kon has been taking pictures of things, animals and people close to him in an effort to catalog them for himself. From then on he stumbled through the ups and downs of school. Filling albums with memories of his life and that of others. As not to be a burden to his grandparents and all the others that continuously offered rides to and from schools, Kon decided to move to a tiny apartment close to Yamagata East High. Academically Kon was not the brightest, but he managed to finish with a decent degree and moved on to try his luck at professional photography. Which was easier said than done. Most places rejected his portfolio or wanted bigger and more varied ones. His pictures of landscapes of an old forgotten town, random animals and children or everyday objects didn’t seem to impress anybody. Crushed and defeated, Kon jobbed at a convenience store to earn enough to afford his tiny living space, but this wasn’t what he imagined. Before long he contacted his grandparents with his plight and they offered him to move back to them. Their only compromise was that Kon would pick up where his father left off and would continue the family business. Kon, in an effort not to disappoint his family, agreed and is trying his best to juggle candle making and his photography passion.


 Carefree   •   Mellow   •   Blunt   

Kon is an easygoing clutz with his head in the clouds. He might seem unapproachable at first, but his soft smile and quiet voice would put anyone at ease. It might be a bit odd talking to him however, as he’s very forthright, only noticing his mistake later, but always apologizing for his bluntness. “Am I not supposed to tell the truth…?” Those close to Kon know that he’s very observant, despite seeming like he never pays attention to anything. In truth he just studies every little detail of what interests him in an effort to memorize it. This might appear like a virtue, however he often focuses on what only he finds interesting and fails to follow a conversation or where he’s going, which has landed him into some hot waters before or even in literal water. Kons crippling fear of failure makes him not want to ever try anything drastically new, never takes chances, dwells on things so long the opportunity has already passed by the time he finally gets the courage to decide to put himself out there. He’s much more comfortable with the things he’s already good at. One secret that Kon carries with him is jealousy of others, especially those with huge families. He wished he had a complete family like many of his friends. Longing to spend festivals and school events with his own parents, instead of getting pitied looks from everyone around him. He does love his grandparents and everything they’ve done for him, but it’s different from the few bits he remembers from his parents.