are these open by any chance? :3

not at the moment! :3 i’ll ping you if they do!

sounds great, tysm! ^^

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Sadly nope! Would you like a ping?

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Can you draw ponies?

Sadly, I can’t draw ponies :[!!

Oki! Thanks for letting me know 


HII can i comm for 3 fulls :3?

if so , can one be of but with blue top surgery scars , and a pose like this maybe , with a solid blue background if thats possible:3? (his head hair is very fluffy and should look as fluffy type as the most recent image in the gallery on this post if that makes sense) 

one of waving , with a solid background color you think fits if possible :3

and the last of but maybe with more of a fluffier head hair?? kinda like how you did with the most recent art in the gallery under this post , but with the same colors his small tuft is in his reference!!  doing any pose youd want , but holding a crowbar:3?

Oh ofc ofc!!! :D, I love the half life 2 oc! ^u^ but think you could wait for just a lil bit for me to finish the person who ordered a gif? I’m trying to control my comms :]


yesyes!! thats fine!! and thank you!! he had alot of thought put into him:]]

Oki dokei I have finished with the GIF now! You can send the points here so I can get started :3


itd be 300 , correct:3?


i sent 300 pts , if mores needed , lmk!!

Yep! It’s 300!! Thank you :3!!

G’day!! I was a bit unsure about echo’s piece! How does this look on your side? MrMoully


it looks perfect!!

Heya!! Sorry for taking too long on yours! I’m really busy and trying to catch up in many comms as possible! I’ve finished Echo’s piece, and currently lining Riddler!! hopefully it’ll be alright for you to wait just a bit so I can finish my old pending comms!


thats fine

I’ve finished on Echo and Riddler, I’ll be sending em to you! I’ll take awhile on Gordon’s since their design is complicated!

10 Replies

OMG OMG I WOULD LOVE A BOUNCY WITH NAOKI PLEASE... i am wondering if you can get her to hold a plate of bear cookies and they can be floating/bouncing with her HAHA ...

HELLO JABBY AAA!!! I love Naoki!! I’ll be able to do it ^u^!

here’s my DA! Total of 200 :33!!

YAAAAAAAAAY THANK YOU CHRISTINA!!!!!!!! :333333333 I'm glad you like her!!

Points have been sent!!


Finished!!! Sending her through rn!! <333


omg wait r these open..

Yep!! What would like to buy?


could i get 2 fullls :3?

one of and another of (if any would be too hard , lmk:3)

andnfd when i get more points , can i come back and comm for a few more things:3?

Aaa!! They’re both so adorable!! I just want to warn you that my chibi style changed a bit! You may look around my latest artwork if you want! Btw, would you like any specific poses and expressions for me? And ofc, thank you for showing interest on my comms!


thats ok!! i still love ur work sm:]!!

im honestly unsure about poses for mold, or expressions , but for zip could he be doing a pose kinda like this , like a “rawr, im gonna eat you” type thing since hes a zombie? and for the expression could he just have one kinda like in this pic , just a bit more happy lookin if that makes sense?

Oh that’s great! Thank you btw!! <33

I can do it! I love the pose you gave for zip! I’ll think of a pose for mold, I’m not available for a moment since I’m out of town for 2 days! But I’ll be able to do them if I can!

here’s my DA profile! It’ll be a total of 200 :3

4 Replies
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Hello!! I can do em! Do you want it to be this style? Or in chibi? :D

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Sure!! I’m a bit slow on comms now, because of my to-do list overload! I’ll let you know when I’ll start so you can send the points!

This user is not visible to guests.

Awesome!! You can send the points here so I can finish up! :]

4 Replies

could i get another commission, if these are still open? :D

Yepp! What will you order? :D

i was wondering if i could gat a fullbody shipart of these two? ace and tess !

 i’m unsure if you do shipart so lemme know if you don’t and i can order something else! :D

Ooo!! I love doing shipart! Do you want a specific pose?

nope! you can look here for more info on them! 

Alright then!!! I’m a bit slow on comms now, because of my to-do list overload! I’ll let you know when I’ll start so you can send the points!

1 Replies

are these open currently? :o


sweet!! could i get a headshot of them? :D

Absolutely!! What kind of expression would you like?

anything playful or awkward is fine!!

Alright!! You can send the points here!

6 Replies

Could I order a Fullbody of ? Thank you :D

Heyo!! I can do em!! I also saw your other comment, I’ll try drawing ponies! I’m a bit slow rn since my commissions 🥲, you can pay here so I can get started soon! (total of 300! Because of the other order ^u^)


Finished on the fullbody! Sending it over, i just need to do the pixel gif ^^!

It’s so nice!! Thank you so much!!

No problem!!

Hi....we im back is like to order some more full-bodied 👿👿😳😳 devious 

sure!! what character do you want me to draw?

okay, any expression and pose you want for any of them?


Okay ^^ please send the points here so I can start:

1 Replies

Done ^^, sending it through!

I only received one

Sorry, I was at school that time, I’ll send the rest

1 Replies

ackshewally can i just buy 2 fullbodie...

Yep! Who would you like me to draw?

YIPEE!! id like them to be of Him & Him !!!

Oooh okay!! That’ll be 200 since each costs 100. :3, do you want any specified pose and expression for the both of them?

First guy like . Silly exited >:D if that makes sense and the second guy just chill ... (His eyes are always closed btw don't draw em open)

7 Replies

I would love to buy a gif from you! :D

sure!! which one :D?

A loop please! (That would be like a blinking animation right?)

the loop is like the one I did for Milkshake shack! and the blinking is the one like this: !!

Ohh! Then I'll get the blinking one! How much would that be?

About 200! If the oc is complicated I might need to add extra payment :3

12 Replies