
6 years, 3 months ago


Size: Moyen (24 Inches)

Name: Esme [Ez-mae] (Beloved One)

Gender: Male - He's my sweet, creamy boy
Age: 20+ (Looks 18)
Personality: He's a very quiet, morose creature. He's melancholic for the life he used to have and for the humanity and dreams he lost when he died. He doesn't often smile but he does try to do so for the children that come into his baker's shop, made easier by their expressions when they taste the pastries he guided his baker into making. 


Previous Life - He'd been an adult when he had died the first time; half-way through culinary school and on his way to fulfilling his dreams to share his family's recipes with the world. But then things took a turn for the worse, as they are want to do; he was murdered one day on his way back to his dorm from work, the victim of a mugging gone wrong and left to bleed out on the concrete for the few dollars in his wallet.  

Current Life - When he came into being as a Doux-La-Magie, he was simultaneously filled with despair and with hope; on the one hand his family's recipes hadn't been lost to death, on the other he'd never get to achieve all the things he had wanted to in his life. The first few months of his life consisted of him doing the bare minimum to remain healthy and learning what he could about his new existence. It was only when he learned that some of them chose to inhabit a bakery and bless a particular person did he break from his cycle, remembering the friend that had been at school with him; one who'd shared his dream in equal intensity. It was hard work, tracking them down, but he eventually managed and after one particular scare, he moved his lantern into his friend's run-down and second-hand shop, ready to do whatever he could to help. Twenty years passed since that day and his friend had grown in popularity and prestige; gaining reputation and a better bakery until he had achieved both their dreams and sold their family's recipes to the entire city, never inflating the prices and keeping the same great quality even years after they'd made it big.


Species: Mermaid ( W )

Desserts: Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Cake

Lantern: De Base (Cushion bed in a non decorated lantern

Nature: Triste (Sad)

Essence: Sweetened Condensed Milk

Extra: Pumpkin Chocolate Scented 

DLM's are a closed species! owned by this individual