


1 year, 3 months ago


Then I am a rotting soul. At least I would give my life for this boy.




Hybrid dragon

A cursed dragon with violet fire and the ability to create sonic


Obarion is a hybrid dragon from Tirakyr. He is reserved and calm but deeply cares about the people she loves, like his friend Askan. Obarion is deadly sick because her soul storage (a vital organ) is destroying itsself. Can be described as "soul cancer". Obarion isn't able to fly huge distances anymore and needs much rest.


Obarion already experienced much in life. When he was younger, he was full of energy and still being a bit more quiet. Not revealing much about herself, always fearing Noctus. With her friends, he pretends to not care but would give her life for them. Not even thinking twice. A bit rude and hot-headed sometimes but still has everything under control. Obarion makes many mistakes but it takes her a long while to reflect and realizing these mistakes. This leads to broken friendships and destroying relationships. Even tho he tries to fix them but it's often too late. She has the problem to play the victim and being selfish but it's something, he works on. When younger dragons or his humanoids friends are around, Obarion is gentle and caring. Protecting them and keeping an eye of them. Talking to them when they have problems. Trying to guide their way, hoping, they won't make the mistakes he made. Obarion may seem kind with her friends, she actually is kinda grumpy, snappy and rude sometimes.She may presents as strong and full of willpower but let's others, especially Noctus, push him around. Often driven by fear, he does what others say and not even trying to communicate his needs and feelings.

calm days


flying shows


his brother Noctus

loud noises

As a kid, he wanted to participate in a flying show but he was considered not "colourful enough" which hurt him

Friends with Paxton since he was a little dragon

Never cared about Tirakyr

Prequel [Backstory]

I'm sorry.

Obarion always stood in the shadow of his older brother Noctus. Even tho he is only 2 years younger than him. Noctus was chosen by their parents to become the next Penwa'Hidwa: The next protector of souls. Which also included reiging over Tirakyr. Obarion always thought Noctus didn't fit this position and would ruin their home. Still, Noctus just pushed him around. When they grew up, their parents passed away. Noctus took the place as the Penwa'Hidwa what stung with Obarion. Slowly, more and more dragons died because of unknown causes. They even invited two humanoids, Blair and Espen, to their place to help them. Noctus forced Obarion to tell them the lie of the "Dragon Guard." Since Noctus blamed the humnanoid species for the death of the dragons, he wanted a genocide. Because she was afraid, Obarion helped with Noctus plan, watching him curse the young Blair and destroying their friendship. Nothing went as planned and even causing some arguments with his best friend Paxton.

At the very end, Blair remained as an enemy. Tirakyrs and the dragon's got a bit worse but nothing that serious. Obarion distanted himself a bit from her brother and was more around Paxton, Zihan and Draskan. They were young and had fun together. Until the day, Draskan had a brutal and fearsome vision. Tirakyr, their home, would be destroyed and that they would need a new home. Noctus' actions would also contribute to that. First, only these 4 knew about it. But they decided to tell Noctus. Asking him for escaping from Tirakyr. Saving all the dragons. But he refused. Not even Obarion could talk any sense to him. Additionally, he threatend these 4. While Obarion wanted to give up, Paxton didn't. She created a resistance because Noctus got a) more dangerous and b) to rebell for freedom, Noctus took from them. Fighting for the lifes of every dragon. At first, Obarion didnt feel comfortable rebelling against his own Penwa and brohter but didn't see another way. So, the free rebells of dragon safety was founded. They recruit more and more dragons to join and the organisation gets bigger. Way more dragons doubt dragons and actievly try to ambush him what fails. They try to find a new home, Draskan having more and more disturbing visions. Paxton acts as a leader and the vision + the dragons want her being replaced with Noctus. Bur Noctus still wants his genocide. Killing the humanoid species to make the dragons superior. Even tho Obarion is their second in command, Noctus told him to spy. So he does. Fearing what would happen, if she wouldn't spy. She tells Noctus everything, hoping, no one will ever find out. But they do. They all know. Draskan knows. Paxton knows. Being confronted, Obarion tries to explain herself but no use. Still, she didn't get kicked out. Obarion felt horrible and then, delivered false info to Noctus. But his relationship to Paxton started to break. They argued more often. One day the free rebels created a huge fire, so Noctus would need a reason to evacuate. Unfortunately, Noctus knew about their plan. And created an even bigger fire, especially in the free rebels hiding place. Obarion tried to fight the flames, getting seveley burnt but still helping the other dragons. While they were distracted, Noctus murdered Draskan, so they wont know the future. After this incident, Obarion tries to talk to Noctus. But Noctus only treats her as something to use,not as a sibling. In fact, he tells her, that he never liked her and continues to threat him. Noctus manipulates him. Telling Obarion, he would get his respect and love back, if she would kill Paxton and end the revolution.

On one day, humanoids found Tirakyr and tried to attack the dragons. But for Obarion and Paxton it was clear, that these humanoids just were scared. They didn't mean to find Tirakyr or even fighting the dragons. He wanted to murder all of them. Obarion had to take Noctus side to survive. He killed humanoids and got into a fight with Paxton. She was so disappointed in her. But Obarion knew, the free rebels would be preparing the escape at this current moment. She had no other option than to fight Paxton, to distract Noctus, so the others could flee. Tho, Obarion felt the pressure. She injured Paxton badly. When the ice cracked under Paxtons feet, Obarion just watched in shock. Paxton fell into the cold lake, trying to swim to the surface. But her injuries were too bad. Obarion wanted to help her but Noctus watched. So, instead, he just left Paxton drown and getting eaten by sea creatures. She regrets this her whole life. Thinking, everything would be great again, having Noctus' trust back, Obarion got exiled. For "murdering" Paxton. Which was Noctus' order. Obarion felt betrayed, backstabbed and had to flee. While the others escaped, she wished she never killed Paxton and escaped with her, instead. Noctus requirement for Obarion coming back was finding a new humanoid to become the next "Dragon Guard."


Aenean eget egestas arcu. Duis scelerisque sagittis nunc, blandit sodales turpis finibus commodo. Maecenas tristique tellus quis pulvinar tempus. Etiam lacinia volutpat libero, quis aliquet lorem porta in. Morbi blandit venenatis lectus, id mattis felis sagittis ut. Sed suscipit nibh vel lectus placerat eleifend. Nam rhoncus quis tellus id cursus. Praesent a porta lacus. Nam cursus odio lectus, sed imperdiet eros blandit sit amet. Aenean sit amet pellentesque mauris, nec mollis tortor.


Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.