


1 year, 5 months ago



  • SPECIES Granthrax
  • GENDER Male
  • SEXUALITY Heterosexual
  • AGE 62
  • BIRTH DATE January 20th
  • MATE Echo
  • # LITTERS 0
  • # CUBS 0
  • WIKI LINK Here

STR – 8 | RES – 8 | WIS – 8 | CHA – 8 | DEX – 8


Ears: UC | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: L | Eyes: C | Horns: L






Mul is a hard-headed bastard who likes to act like he's set in his ways when really if you give him a good enough reason to change he will. He calls himself "Protector of the Innocent" after having spared not one, but two cubs' lives in his lifetime. He's extremely loyal and will do anything for those he loves within reason. Mul knows he isn't perfect, but sometimes he is a bit hard on himself when he is scolding Aouli or when he thinks of when he told off his sister. Ever since he left the Vu'Kuun clan Mul has claimed he's more of a lover than a fighter, as evident with the many females he typically surrounds himself with weekly.


Mul'Zeymah grew up happy. He was loved and adored by both his parents as well as his older sister. He was the prince of a clan of incredible granthrax that ruled peacefully and happily. He had no complaints. He didn't realize until he was an adult just how much of a facade that all was. Yes his parents and sister loved him very much, but the peace was fabricated to make him feel happy and safe in their own home. It wasn't until Rhaenys found a mate that actual peace began once more, though it didn't last. Mul watched as his father and mother both were killed by a member of the Strun clan, causing Rhaenys and Balerion to rise to power over their once glorious Vu'Kuun clan. He was offered a position as head of the army, but Mul denied it. It wouldn't be long before his only nephew would be old enough to become the head of the militaristic side of the clan as is, and Mul didn't want to step on any toes. He was given an assassination mission. The only son of the leaders of the Strun clan. Mul was under the assumption that this thrax was a bit younger than him and so accepted, however when Mul got to the point where he was to kill the young male... He couldn't... His assassination target was a cub, not even a month old. What harm could he have done? Sure his parents weren't the best but... Mul refused. He couldn't just kill an innocent cub like that. No, instead he'd go after the parents. Unfortunately he didn't get the chance to. He was almost found out, so he had to get out of there as fast as he possibly could. Little did Mul know that the choice he made would cause so much anguish in the future for his family... When he got home, he began berading Balerion for the fiendish order, saying if he had done what was asked of him the Vu'Kuun clan would be no better than the Struns. It was then that Rhaenys piped up, saying the plan was hers and hers alone. Mul was shocked that his beloved sister could come up with such a cruel plan. This was what prompted the larger male to leave the island in which they all called home. He swam to the mainland where he lived his life peacefully. He missed his sister and brother-in-law, but he dared not return. Years later, Mul ran into a young female in distress. He helped her, fended off a couple trying to get her back to their den, and kept her safe. Mul grew close to this female, and after she had her cub he couldn't be more happy. He realized he had fallen in love with her. All good things come to an end though, and his happy ending turned sour when the pair he originally saved her from re-appeared. She knew she couldn't get away, so she ran off after pushing her very young cub toward him, leading them away. It wasn't long before he heard her cries as she was killed. He raised that cub as his own, and while he deeply regrest not being able to save both him and his mother, he was very happy that he was able to save the life of one so small and innocent. Though he typically jokes around, calling Aouli ungreatful and a brat. After all what else is he to do? The brat calls him an old man all the time!






Mul always looked up to his older sister. She was always calm, cool, collected, and just as if not more stubborn than their father. Now that Mul is bigger than her, he swore that he'd always protect her on the off chance that her mate, Balerion, could not.


Mul loves him like his own cub. After helping his mother as much as he could and then losing her, Mul felt responsible for the cub not having a good parent in his life and so took him in under his hypothetical wing. As much as the brat annoys him by calling him old, Mul would do anything for him.

Character Name

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