


1 year, 4 months ago



"But get that ice or else no dice!..."
Name [Violetta Dominguez]
Name Pronunciation [Vih-oh-leht-ah]
Species [African Wild Dog]
Age [24]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Jewelry store owner]
Residence [Honolulu, Hawaii]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Eyes are hot pink with heart-shaped pupils
  • Left paws are deep pink--right paws are cream
  • Face is deep pink
  • Tail tip forms a heart marking
  • Markings on body are random, but always incorporate hearts

Violetta is a "girl's girl"--she loves fashion, flowers, and all things pink. She is possessed of a keen intellect, but will sometimes hide this when she feels that "playing dumb" gives her an advantage. Make no mistake, however--she is a sharp businessperson, and she knows exactly what she wants out of life. Violetta feels that she is on top of the world--and she's not wrong! Theme song: Marilyn Monroe--Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend:


Violetta was born in South Africa, the second of 3 sisters. Growing up without much money, she envied the diamond moguls who would pass into town from time to time, and aspired to reach greater economic heights as a result. She was delighted when her older sister Astrid helped her and their twin sister Natisha travel to Honolulu, viewing it as a fresh start. With some help and luck, Violetta eventually opened her own jewelry store, and is now quite satisfied with her new life.


Astrid is Violetta's older sister. From a young age, Astrid has been protective of Violetta, recognizing that she can sometimes bite off more than she can chew. Violetta is at times frustrated with these efforts, viewing the more reserved Astrid as being overly cautious. Still, the two are emotionally close, and Violetta secretly appreciates having Astrid's judgment to fall back upon.


Natisha is Violetta's twin sister (Violetta was born first). The two often seem at odds with one another--Natisha is very shy, and often seems to have her head in the clouds, in contrast to Violetta's gregariousness and realism. However, each has ultimately found that they balance the other out well. Natisha helps Violetta to embrace her dreams, and Violetta helps Natisha to keep her feet on the ground.


Ashley is Violetta's sister Astrid's best friend, who Astrid met when she began work at the school where Ashley works. Ashley was a bit taken aback by no-nonsense Violetta, and saw her as having her nose pressed too closely to the grindstone. She thus made it her mission to help Violetta have more fun in life. Violetta was not certain about these efforts at first, but has begun to see things Ashley's way more as of late--she appreciates that Ashley has her best interests at heart.


Conchita is Violetta's sister Astrid's girlfriend, who she met one night while out on the town. Violetta quickly felt a strong connection to Conchita--she loved the fact that this free spirit had brightened her sister's life! Conchita, too, is very fond of Violetta--she has quickly come to view her as the little sister she never had. Violetta can now often be found at Conchita's musical performances, where the pair will party the night away!


James is Violetta's sister Astrid's best friend Ashley's boyfriend, and so Ashley introduced him to Violetta. James was initially uncertain about Violetta's "girly girl" aesthetic, but warmed to her once he saw what a sharp mind she had. Violetta soon got over her initial sense of intimidation towards James, seeing the compassionate nature he tended to keep hidden. James now enjoys educating Violetta on the chemical composition of the jewels she sells (he is a chemistry teacher, after all!), while Violetta helps him to pick out baubles for Ashley.