023 Robyn Hawthorne



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




"Dude, you're kinda boring me."

Emo Reserved Rebellious Kind


Name | Robyn Hawthorne Nicknames | KittySmartiez (Online Alias), Kitty Smartiez (Rey), Kitty, Shadow (Rey), Shadz (Carys)
Age | 22 Gender | Male (FtM)
Height | 5'6" Relatives | Hattie Hawthorne (Mother), Horacio Hawthorne (Father)
Birthday | 27/07/2001 Nationality | American
Alignment | Chaotic Good Theme | Never Too Late


  • Rey
  • Emo songs and bands
  • Teasing his hair / having big hair
  • Being a dumbass with Chrissy


  • Authority
  • When people make fun of his emo self & feeling ugly
  • When his youtube account got banned
  • If ANYONE dares to insult Chrissy...


  • VERY politically driven, activist, regularly goes to protests
  • Great singer / wanted to drop out of school to be in a band
  • Often seen with rainbow coloured tongue
  • ONLY wears black and white



hi im robyn :) things about me im gay XD i like girls too tho my favourite band is three days grace and vocaloid!!!!! xDDD my favorite animal is a liger (YES!!! itz a real animal its a cross between a lion and a tiger LOOK IT UP!!!) i luv pocky and yaoi! yuri is gross tho DX and im REALLY random!!!! PANDA PANCAKES WITH CHICKENS ON TOP!!!! lol see???! XD im a singer so go away u haterz, guys can SING TOO and i am part cat probably... nyaa :) go away haterz lets b friends! XP :) XD :P XD :) xoxo <3 xoxo REY xoxo <3 xoxo :) XD

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Rey Javier

[ Crush ]

Robyn always sort of had a thing for Rey, even though his fierce hatred of the government meant that he hated the military. The two met when Rey was sent, as a young Junior Officer, to speak in American schools on the importance of joining the army - Robyn and Carys, Year 13 students at the time, were quietly lamenting their existence at the back of the hall, laughing to each other about how cruel the system was and that this poor guy was probably being forced at gunpoint to deliver his speech to them. They talked briefly at the end of the session, with Rey having no choice but to answer Carys and Robyn's increasingly political questions in his broken English. Afterwards, the friends mocked the whole experience and talked about how glad they were to be leaving education, but Robyn couldn't quite shake the intensity behind Rey's gaze as he tried to defend his position to them. He secretly found himself thinking about him more and more often; this was the one thing he didn't share with Carys for fear of her secondhand embarrassment. So he kept the obsession quiet and tried to forget about Rey Javier. A good few years later though, fate had different ideas for the pair. The Westmanns held a small garden party (Carys oh-so loved her Christian upbringing...) and invited a few old friends to the gathering. Carys got to bring her best friend Robyn along, and the pair were happily causing a scene in their matching punk outfits when Robyn noticed him. Rey Javier had been invited to the garden party?! The sheer embarrassment had him rooted to the spot, and when Rey saw him staring, he decided to come say hi. With Chrissy having his back, he swallowed his pride and tried to impress Rey with his stories of anti-police protests and camping for weeks on end in the wilderness to save forests. At the end of the night, he wasn't sure if it had worked, but Chrissy pushed him to be brave - so he gave him his number. And hoped for the best!

Carys Westmann

[ Best Friends Forever ]

His favourite person in the whole wide world is his Chrissy, Chrissy Westmann. The definition of childhood friends, these two literally grew up together and have been through it all side by side. Both being quite troubled kids, they naturally banded together when the other kids were off playing Family It or something stupid like that; this was their time to discuss their deep rage induced by Mrs Kelly's short patience, or their embarrassment when Mrs Harriyot made them stand up and read in front of the class. Chrissy seemed happy-go-lucky to outsiders, mostly getting good grades and staying out of trouble, but the closer that she and Robyn got, the more she was inclined to stand up for herself and talk back when something was unfair. This often resulted in her and Robyn being sent to the Headteacher's office to 'explain themselves' for being disrespectful. Dominic Westmann was brought in many times to have a talk with the teachers one-to-one. However, Primary school was not the worst of their worries, and they both got bullied relentlessly in Secondary school for being the first people to realise their personal style. Robyn went full emo/scene kid on the first day of Year 7 - they had both been practicing all summer - and Carys had decided that she would be punk/grunge. In a school full of white, clean-cut children in a very religious area of America, they did not stand a chance. Luckily, the one saving grace they had was each other, sticking together yet again to stand up against the crowd. This trend continued all the way up until they were young adults, where they regularly attend protests and activist speeches against the government. Chrissy is the person he trusts most in the world, and she knows all of his darkest secrets. He gets the impression that the feeling is mutual. The only thing he has still yet to crack in Chrissy's life is her dad; her mum loves Robyn, but her dad is still on the fence. Deep down, he hopes that Dom secretly likes him, after all these years sticking by his daughter.

Elliott Rivers

[ Close Friends ]

Elliott and Robyn met online when they were both around 11 years old. Having already looked up many things they shouldn't have at that age, they thought of themselves as connoisseurs of the furry fandom and often drew things they didn't understand... which was then seen and approved of by the other one. The little followings they had began to grow, and attracted a lot of questionable attention, which they both revelled in; when they announced that they were friends and drew their characters together, their follower count went up again. It was perfect! Their skype conversations were long and mostly consisted of weird roleplays they did with their fursonas. Intimate details about their lives were shared, which mainly consisted of slating their parents for not understanding them. Packages with beautiful hand-drawn furries in them were sent. As they grew up, their relationship turned into one of great concern, as they decided it was a good idea to date each other long-distance. Elliott, at this point, was already persuing men who were twice his age and pretending to be 18 years old while Robyn, emo as ever, was posting thirst traps on his instagram and attracting god-knows who. They were not a good match for each other, but it didn't seem to phase them. They met in person when Elliott was 17 and Robyn 16, and took the photoshoot of a lifetime. Most of the photos from this shoot were taken down because they violated the community guidelines on every site, but both the guys still have access to them. The relationship never officially ended, but it had never officially started either. Looking back, Robyn wonders what went wrong wih both of them. He still talks to Elliott a fair amount, so it was a massive slap in the face when he realised that his best friend's dad was Elliott's best friend... and he never told him?!<
