

Strong • Rough • Honest


Aithne is a mercenary outcast from Germany, who travels the world to get hired for the "dirty work", like defending citizens from bandits. She is actually satisfied with her job, since she can beat up bad people and get money for it, but sometimes she wishes for more peace. She is actually a friendly and fun being, who loves to hang out with others! But she hides a dark past behind her smug smile...

"Awww, is that all you got? I get a ton of money for beating you up, you could at least put on a show!!"


May 15th
Blood type
Chaotic Good
Seems rough, but is friendly Attitude
Right Hand dominant hand
The Devil Tarot
The Jester Archetype
Fox Spirit animal
1540s/Fantasy Setting


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Strong
  • Honest
  • Funny
  • Friendly
  • Caring
  • Determined
  • Lucky
  • Courageous
  • Cuddly
  • Rough
  • Brutal
  • Greedy
  • Scary


Food Chicken
Drink German Wine
Scent Markets
Color Red
Flower Red Flowers
Season Spring
Time of day Sunrise
Clothing item Everything edgy/Chains
Genre Action
Music Dancing Music


Quirks & habits

Aithne has a scary and rough aura around her and she knows. Most people are scared or afraid of her, even if she doesn't intend to scare them. In reality, she is a fun being to around with, who loves to go into pubs to celebrate and enjoy life or to beat up bad guys! She loves to cuddle her friends and invite them to go to places with her to live life or to just get some good food. She fully lives after the motto "Carpe Diem" and uses every day as much as possible. On the other hand, she quickly notices if one of her friends has some trouble. She loves to comfort and listen to them and will give them advice, which very often contains beating up something or someone. Besides this, Aithne is very strong and proud of that strength. She also loves to train and she loves money. Meaning if she isn't in party mood, she can be pretty greedy with her money and belongings. Maybe it's because she isn't the smartest one when it comes to math-

Communication skills

Like mentioned, Aithne has a scary apperance and aura. Many people fear her. She is good in comforting and pulling jokes, but she mostly doesn't even have a chance to get to know strangers since she looks intimidating and scary to them. She mostly only gets in contact with strangers, when they hire her for the dirty work. Otherwise, she only hangs around with her fighter friends and visits markets and pubs. Her body language also doesn't help making her less intimidating. No matter what she does, even when cuddling others, she always seems creepy and scary to strangers! But otherwise, she often finds the right words and loves to be with people! Funfact: She also often swears in german!

Showing affection

Since Aithne is pretty touchy, she loves to show affection with holding hands and/or cuddles. Sometimes, her friends get "attacked" from behind by Aithne to get cuddled by the buff Outcast! And if she gets cuddles back, she almost gets into a trance, since she enjoys those cuddles to bits. Otherwise, she defends her friends until she dies, since she cares little to none about herself, when her friends are in danger. She would also cuddle strangers, however, ever since she got almost caught by some guardians since the stranger thought she wanted to kill him, she refers from doing so- And so, if she shows affection to a stranger, she mostly gifts them red flowers.


  • Bunnies
  • Fights
  • Pubs
  • Markets
  • Social Interaction
  • Money
  • Gold
  • Action
  • Meat


  • Her scary aura
  • Bad Guys
  • Liars
  • Apples
  • Dark Times
  • Being helpless
  • Being weak


  • Drowning
  • Being defenceless
  • Loneliness


  • Fighting
  • Training
  • Dancing
  • Throwing parties
  • Beating up villains
  • Eating and Drinking
  • Being with friends

Design notes

  • The scars in her face and her eye patch with 3 golden scratches on it are NOT optional!
  • The flower in her hair is optional, but preferred!
  • Please keep all of her red chains, her coat and her red long claws!
  • NEVER draw her with human ears!
  • She has iceblue cat eyes! (Meaning thin pupils!)
  • Her animal ears are bunny ears!
  • Gore and Body Horror are fine with her!
designer: ChocoChan
worth: X


Celeste #B5FAFF


Auburn #A93139


Seashell #FFEFE8


Flower #EC5C7B
Eyepatch #0C0A0B
Eyepatch Scratches #DEA647


  • Aithne lost the sight of her left eye and wears now an eyepatch thanks to a very brutal berserker, who got in contact with the evil seed.
  • She loves to remember her roots and her friends, which she calls family!

Aithne was an orphan ever since she could remember. She didn't know who her parents were and who killed them. All she knew was that she was found in a forest, all alone and weak. Some other outcasts adopted her and took great care of her. However, life wasn't easy for Aithne and her new family in the village. Thanks to being outcasts, they often got hunted down by beings, who were scared of the outcasts attacking them someday because they are part beast. And so, the village trained often, and one of the most motivated to train was Aithne. She wanted to defend her people with all she got and wanted to show the other beings that Outcasts aren't as fearsome and evil as they might look! And so, after managing to defend the village for 18 years, Aithne left the village to become a mercenary and to show the world that Outcasts are actually not beasts, but human!


  • Despite Aithne still being a mercenary, she mainly travels with Alix at this point.
  • She gets more and more into the human world and slowly seems to be accepted, which makes Aithne very happy. She wants to show her village the human world one day!

When she began being a mercenary, she had trouble at first finding work and lived off hunting in the woods. However, slowly she got some jobs nobody else wanted to do because the payment was horrible. And so, Aithne slowly got into the business, until she met Alix, a lost winged soul. Alix seemed a bit weird, since she didn't fear Aithne at all! In fact, she cuddled onto Aithne, explaining that she needs her as a guardian to find the astralroots. Aithne was more then confused, but since Alix promised a lot of gold, she agreed. And so, the two beings now travel across the world to find berserkers and slay them down one by one. And after befriending Alix, Aithne even forgot to ask about the payment for the job-


Attack Defence Speed Protection Magic Support


  • Arrows
  • Far Range Attacks
  • Magic
  • Counters
Tactic Fast punches
Attitude Stylish
Distance Close Range
Weapon Fists, Daggers

Skills & abilities

Hard Punches



Her main way of attacking. Aithne uses her bare fists and hard gloves to punch her enemy down to the ground. She is fast and has a lot of power behind her attacks. Also, she can attack with her red claws, leaving a hurtful bleeding wound!

Ruby Fangs



She has two blood red daggers, which are made out of red metal. She uses them more as a last resort, when her punches and scratches have no use. Those daggers also cause burning damage and she gets even faster when using those!




Thanks to being an outcast, she has some insane senses. She can smell and hear extremely well and also, she has a sixth sense, helping her to sense supernatural beings and happenings. Of course, she often follows her sixth sense, because supernatural can mean a fight!

Soul Attack: Bunnywolf

Special Attack


When her soulpower is all filled up, she is able to cast a powerful soul attack, turning her hands into wolfpaws with huge red claws. When hitting the enemy, she runs at them with some red wolves, tearing the enemy apart with claws and bites!

• Friends •

A lost winged soul, who hired Aithne in the beginning of her journey in india to help her destroy berserkers and astralroots. In the beginning, it was a pure customer-mercenary relationship, and Aithne often asked for her payment. But as time went on, the fanatic, but sweet Alix and the cuddly, but scary looking Aithne got closer and became friends. Then, Aithne forgot to ask about the payment and fought for Alix for free! The two like each other, but Aithne is still confused about Alix fanatic, yet still sweet and calm behaviour.