


1 year, 4 months ago


Now for my Kelsequora goblin girl, story:

This was a character I'd previously made for the Cuphead universe by accidentally falling through a portal from an mmo world where goblins are highly hunted 'beginner' monsters and her population was dwindling. But eventually I made her her own world with less oddities and more humans.

Like I said, it is set in an mmo game styled world where a level-up and skill system are in place. Adventurers - humans who have certain skills go out and destroy monsters plaguing nearby cities slowly overpopulating the world and pushing monsters out! Goblins, being the weakest monster and the easiest to level off of are easy to pick off as they're weak to all kinds of attack based skills. Melee, magic, arrows, prayer, yada yada and so fourth. (Magic melts the goblin's skin off their flesh no matter what spell you're using.)

But yeah, Kelsequora has two twin brothers with the same burning red tufts of hair on top of their heads as hers. Messy and tangled as they've basically been living off of the castle scraps, rubbish thrown out to the dogs that they steal to survive yada yada and so fourth, They're often found digging through week old garbage from the nearby villages as well. The supposed 'rats' of the kingdom and in doing so, they've accidentally 'infected' people with minor viruses along the way.

Well, missions were sent out by the nearby guilds as the newbies weren't doing a very good enough job of exterminating them and elites won't take such a mediocre task.

So eventually, a knight and his party finally take the task as it's been sitting on the board for months, (tasks on the board for over 3 months usually has a steeper bounty on them)

And they go hunt them down successfully driving them out of the city. Well, a young mage of the group decides he wants to stay and 'finish them off' for a little more exp. (He's a newbie and unexperienced as heck basically leaching off of the stronger players for exp and skill buffs.)

Enter Kelsequora, a goblin girl clad in a potato sack and old belt rope with completely pupil-less yellow eyes, scales stretching from the tip of her bump nose, over her head, down her back almost to the tip of her tail, messy, knotted bunch of red hair upon her head hiding small, curved jet black horns upon her head, skin more of a teal-y green, scales a bit darker, her ears pointed in two directions like a thin butterfly wing, small scales cover the base of those.

A spear clasped firmly in the young, 13 year old, dwarfism (She's about 3ft tall and that's as big as she's ever gonna get XD) goblin's hand as she was sent out by her village to hunt for food.

Luckily her village/burrow lay on the outskirts of the kingdom walls which meant she still ran into adventurers who'd try to erase her but always managed to get away somehow. This time, she ran into the young mage who started blasting her. She Chirped insults which went unheard as the mage bolted towards her. She smirked as she took a turn assuming this mage was on his maiden voyage out of the kingdom and didn't know the landscape. She lead him over to where the demon's den was and quickly ducked out  of the way into a nearby giant mole burrow. It wasn't long before the ground shook ferociously as a small, lesser demon (who was still pretty big for goblin and human standards) stomped out of a sort of 'gate' that shielded the midland from the demon realm who's lock was recently broken by a stupid adventurer who was quickly killed

Knowing the mage wouldn't make it, Kelsequora watched in excited anticipation hoping to see the demon blast him into smithereens when all the sudden, the buffs from the group raid battle were still active and he cast a spell 20 levels beyond his own blasting the demon with a force of a large hurricane but not right before the demon fired a spell of his own clashing with the mage's spell creating a tear right in between them so powerful it sucked Kelsequora in. (Luckily she didn't touch the walls of the spell, she just slipped through the middle so no harm done XD) finding herself in a strange "Adventurer infested land."

Panicked and frightened, she dove into a nearby  Mcdonald's dumpster (where she lived for about three-ish days off of half eaten sandwiches and garbage) nearly startling one of the old workers there who opened the lid about to toss in a bag of trash when he's bombarded by loud otherworldly screeches and chirps. He stared for a moment before looking around himself, opening the bag and dumping in the trash then taking the empty trash bag and scooping her up in it despite her loud protests, cutting work and quickly bringing her home. Luckily for her, he and the rest of his family were Djinns or all powerful Genies freed from lamps and had the magical illusion of being human.

It took a long time to coax her to calm down and tell her story, (Like a month or two) XD but once they did, they were fascinated! They eventually taught her hygiene, how to eat and dress like a human and eventually how to speak. Consealing her goblin-ish identity was also a challenge as magic would instantly disintegrate her flesh from her bones so the single father  of one spent another month learning hologram technology and tinkered with it in his basement until he got something that resembled a human. He gave it to Kelsequora as a birthday present which shocked her as birthdays and gifts and pretty much everything else was completely foreign to her as her only goal in her world was to survive.

It wasn't long before she was allowed out with Tony, the Djinn's only son to go to school and eventually a skating rink where she took to it almost instantly amazing Tony and his friends earning her the nickname "KWOR" She quickly invented a move she called "Kel-fire" where she ran down the larger of the park ramps flying through the air, letting her hair free and clung to her board making it look like fire pulling off several spins and twists along the way before landing on the other side. Her small stature, body weight and hight were the perfect center of gravity to pull off such death defying moves! A few more months go by and she's starting to get homesick missing her family and her clan. She talks to the Djinn father about it and they come up with a crazy plan to save them all just as Kelsequora had once come to this world, they'd be free! liberated from the evil adventurers preying mercilessly upon them.

So the Djinn father calls up the remaining Djinn's of the earth and they plan on how to re-create said portal through technology alone as magic would ruin their plans.

They eventually do so and Kelsequora rallies the goblins from the other side telling them about her exploits and that the other world is completely safe. Some goblins are skeptical but most hop through without a second thought tired of constantly fearing for their lives.

The decision was made with they were interrupted by a rogue, scarred adventurer. Turns out, he was the same one that went after her that one time, having got a few more levels on him, he was well over what she knew she could handle but she knew she had to by time for the rest of her family to get through so she picked up a nearby stick as a sort of bo-staff and fended off his attacks.

She gets struck a few times but she didn't let her melting flesh get in the way of saving her race! after the final goblin entered the portal she backflipped through letting it close right before the Adventurer made it through belting curses all the while.

Kelsequora was rushed to the Djinn's house with weak directions from Kelsequora who was then brought to the back rooms for treatment.

It wasn't long before a massive light erupted from the back rooms and Kelsequora emerged, not as a goblin but as a Hobgoblin.

She'd evolved!

Horns now wrapping around the back of her ears and curling around 'em, two large tusks jutted out from her jaw, she grew about two feet, meatier forearms, meatier body but the rest remained the same.

It wasn't long before the Goblin clans were taught about human life and human ways. some fell right into the patterns while others were too stuck in their ways just couldn't do it. So the Djinn's created another portal after searching for a new uninhabited (by intelligent beings who would do them harm) world for about a year or so before finally finding one they'd enjoy.

They lit up the portal and poof the newer Goblins had their home they called "YGIFFERIN" or in Goblinish "Free land".