Lucuia Maxym Ando



6 years, 2 months ago



  • Name Lucuia Maxym Ando
  • Talent Prosecutor
  • Age 17 >> 27
  • Gender Female
  • Nationality Half Japanese, half British
  • Height 5'4"
  • Weight 110 lbs
  • Birthday Irrelevant
  • Voice Claim N/A
  • Theme

At age 17: Very few recognize the name Lucuia Maxym Ando, considering she does not possess a talent. Or at least, if she does, Lucuia has either hidden or forgotten it, to which she claims the latter. Compared to the Finest talents surrounding her, Lucuia is nothing but a no-name.

At age 27: A time ago, hardly a soul knew of the Finest Prosecutor -- save for those who vowed not to speak her name. But when the girl mysteriously vanished ten long years ago, it was as if she had never been there at all; as if any recollection of her existence itself had been lost to oblivion. For someone in possession of such a grand title, she truly is no more than a nobody…

… But, perhaps there are a few significantly more fortunate souls out there that recognize the name.
Lucuia puts on a meek, courteous front but is truthfully a vengeful prosecutor (17). She's standoffish, abrasive and blatantly spiteful, believing herself above all others and in possession of an almost godlike status. It's rare that she spares another any thought, and when she does, it's almost always something negative. In this way, she's incredibly selfish and cares only for herself, although that isn't to say there aren't certain exceptions that have managed to worm their way into her despicable little heart. She's incredibly obsessive and clingy with the people she cares about, but surprisingly kind and caring, even if sharp-tongued at times.

However, after losing some who she'd grown to care about and being imprisoned in a manor for ten years, she's become more hollow and dejected than she is hateful (27). She's still incredibly selfish and has attempted to take her life on one too many occasions, but she can understand and sympathize with others to a certain extent. Her vision is no longer tainted red, but instead a dull gray; whatever anger and ambitions she'd had in the past have been burrowed deep within, but she's still ill-tempered and unpleasant to talk to. She cares about the people she loves more than anything in the world, and would do nigh anything for them, but she has difficulty expressing it. It's very easy to interpret any displays of care or affection as bitter loathing, because she can't seem to ever be frank about positive emotions.

Fortunately, after three tiresome months following those ten years, she finally found a happiness of her own -- and has vowed to try and be in good in spite of all her wrongdoings, both because of the immense regret she bears and the request of someone she holds very dear.









"God is j-just a fairytale parents sing to their children… b-but I'm as close as it gets."


  • Cats
  • Cereal
  • Power
  • Drawing (she's really bad at it)
  • Daydreaming
  • Respect


  • Loud voices
  • Chaos
  • Other people
  • God
  • Failure
  • Heights
  • Max is a prosecutor! But she's only right in her judgements about 50% of the time -- just very convincing.
  • Her sins are wrath/pride/envy.
  • She has, and will take drugs to hallucinate dead friends.
  • Had a fluffy black cat named Sylvester! It died. Had a calico cat named Stuart. It also died.
  • Her Pokemon types are normal/dark. She probably has several poison type moves too.


[ Relationship ]

Fuck uh



[ Relationship ]

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[ Relationship ]

Write something about the relationship here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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