
1 year, 4 months ago


full name;

Larry keenmister froy

Description of looks: Larry’s a man who should be described as unpleasant in the eyes(in a untrustworthy smarmy way) or a human weasel. He has a subtle line of expressive stress wrinkles above his eyebrows, and odd green eyes. His short, dark brown hair is messy, it points in loose spikes. he carries himself like a sleaze while standing about 5’7(though appears shorter due to poor posture/hunching) and wears your standard, blue janitors suit. His build is lean, and little Paunchy at the stomach with the accessory of a single gold tooth.

personality: He’s often an overconfident, flirtatious, smarmy, wry, mischievous, daring, conniving- who’s slippery enough to wheedle his way out of most predicaments at the best of times, acting bigger then he actually is which makes it nearly impossible for him to shut up. He doesn’t have a patient temperament, easily annoyed and agitated but often shows it in the form of caustic voice, only snapping if it’s too much or too stupid to bare. 

depsite this, if befriended he proves to be a loyal friend, sticking by his loved ones sides unless they’d betray him then he’d do the same.


Life had always treated him unfair since he reached adulthood, the days of a carefree childhood of not having to fuss over bills and waiting for the days to pass not knowing what to do with your life. Larry had been thrown into the adult world the moment he reached 18 without any guidance from his parents on how to navigate this new world, leaving him to figure out everything from the smallest to biggest problems to solve on his own. The reasonable half of him argued it was tough love, but the other half of him greatly resented his parents for abandoning him, treating him as if he were a puppy that’d grown into its ugly stage and no longer wanted. He doesn’t  know his purpose in life when it boils down to it, just trying to get by as a janitor and make what little money he can.

He’s quite envious of others success, glaring and gossiping badly to himself about their triumphs as he devises ways to cheat to the top, although usually these plans fall flat on his face.