Ayatle Cozill



1 year, 4 months ago


Up and coming musician with a murder streak.

It's no surprise he gained traction fast. The music is good and the thirst traps to gain followers are even better. Everything was perfect you'd think he was some sort of industry plant. Underground artist becomes an overnight sensation, gets a contract. Someone content with never showing his face off to an audience is now in the spotlight and with that comes it's own problems.

Not only is it getting harder to go out and be unbothered by the very fans he deems as below him. It's also getting harder to get that special little thing he thinks all his songs need: Screams, wails, cries, etc. And though the whole murder thing may not be hard for other trolls of his caste when it comes to picking off lower castes. But he prefers range, only going for the lower castes has it's limits. He also has an image to uphold. His manager, the record label and his fans need to keep the perception of the hot rapper boy that just so happens to have an affinity for knives to the point of using them in his show but totally doesn't use them for anything outside of theatrics, totally.