


1 year, 4 months ago


Basic info

Name: Gavein

Age: 11 y.o.

Height: 150cm

Species: cyborg

World of living: Drivium


Gavein is an innocent creature, you may confuse him with Jesus. Very polite and kind. 

Always follows morality and can be party pooper and nerd because of that.

Struggles to find out whay will be ''right'' to do in some situations.

He physicaly can`t be really mad at someone/something so when something bad happens he`s just sad.

Naive as a bebe.


Gavein has an universal magic resource that accumulates in his whiskers on the back.

He can use them for different purposes but the most easier one is destroy things   

Can ''charge'' his sword through a palm for the same purpose.

Very fast and strong.

He still has to eat and breathe, he can don`t do it for a longer time that average creature of his world, though.

Gavein has an actual blood and it`s not so different from the normal one. However, his injures can`t heal by themself.

Also he is not actually a robot, he has some organic organs.

Learn things very fast, apparently know math better than you even though he is a 11 y.o. bebe.


(a lot of local information)

Gavein was made in Eclipce by the sciencists of the Solar side. There was 88 unsucsessfull versions before him.

He know about it but he was raised in a very good conditions and education, so he understand why this happened.

Now he works at the regular Eclipce army and maybe will be sended to a war