


8 years, 7 months ago


Angel Dragons are supposed to be nice, sweet, innocent creatures that would never hurt a fly. Well, most of them are.
Danny is a killer, using the fact that no one would ever suspect him to his advatage. It's so easy to put on a cute face and pretend to be that sweet little dumb angel dragon everyone expects him to be, but behind closed doors he's cold, intelligent, and cruel. He prefers to use knives as they're a more intimate weapon than a gun. Will use other "melee" weapons like bats if he's feeling paticularly adventurous. When the need hits, he will stalk and find the perfect victim, and meticulously plan for days or even weeks ahead of his attack. When the night finally arrives, he doesn't bother with a disguise. No one is getting away from him, and even if someone spotted him in the area, no one would even suspect him. After all, he's just a dumb, cute angel dragon, right? 

Prefers to target people he's spotted doing something "wrong" to somewhat justify his actions. He knows full well two wrongs don't make a right, but he does know that people don't tend to look too deeply into the murder of an abuser. Making it even easier get away with all this.