


1 year, 8 months ago


Age: Mentally late 70's

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Straight

Voice: Thick West County English accent with a southern twang. Sighs often.

Gandervilla's longest serving farmer and demigod of agriculture. He's lived on the outskirts of Gandervilla for as long as anyone can remember, and was the only person Lillybei found living in the area when she first came to build the town. He and his family contributed greatly to the construction of the town, and as such he's a highly respected knight. He hasn't done much of note since then, and prefers to live life as a normal resident.

He has a large family consisting of his wife and their 72 kids, mainly of whom contribute to the town in some way either through farmwork or other means. Despite this, he's still active on the farm and spends most days caring for the animals in the barn. His personal favorites are the pigs, and he always brings at least one with him on his walks to town.

He has wide farming knowledge and has tutored many up-and-coming farmers, including Bambi. He's aware of his many eccentricities, and when he and his sister come to visit, he takes extreme caution to prevent any fuses from going off.

He never knew his father, so he was and tutored by his mom, a goddess of agriculture, for 2,000 years until she died of a rare degenerative disease. He's inherited her powers, but only uses them to heal sick crops.