geeb's Comments

Hey there! I was wondering if you'd be open to links/headcanons/relations with this guy? :0 

The character I'm posting with has a brother and I think this guy fits the bill, if you'd like connecting them in that way!

I’d be open to it possibly!!!! I actually have been wanting to build up your lore and your oc is super cute— would you want to talk about stuff or just tag him? 

I'd love to talk more about it! We can do it in PMs or I am easier to access on discord @ deathdino !!!

Discord is perfect!! I’ll add you now >:))))

Hello! Would you like someone from my OTA folder except TBN?

Does someone here possibly catch your eye? 

Hi!! What are you looking for this boy price wise? And are you interested in art or characters?

He is worth around $95 so I'm looking for something similar

I also accept art and trades but I'm a bit picky tho 

Mixed offer are welcome! 

Ok!! I could possibly offer $50 and Vox + The electric seal boy on my profile? 

Sure! I will accept your offer 💕 

Thank you so much 💕

here is my PayPal

Of course!!! And just to clarify you wanted Vox and the seal as well? :D

Yes, I they have adorable designs

2 Replies

Does anyone here possibly interest you for this beauty? Including the $60 and $50 YCHs!

I'm sorry didn't see anyone I would use 

But thank you for your offer 💕