Boroka Skadus



1 year, 5 months ago



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[Art and Design by royallyfuckedocs]

Your name is BOROKA SKADUS, blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Your trollTag is phaserBean, and you use your phone to dictate everything you say because sometimes the typos are like really funny. Especially when you try to say Memes out loud

Gender: Female
Age: 13 Sweeps
Height: 5'3"
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood: Anon
Lusus: Cat (Siberian)
Strife Specibus: Deck of Many Things
Psionics: Relativity - You can detect how an object is moving in relation to her (e.g. a moving body when still, or the shifting position of still objects while you move.) You cannot detect size, but can approximate force/velocity. Objects moving at the same speed and in the same direction as you are undetectable.

Originally a foil to Attune, Boroka embraces magic, anime, memes, and the absurd with open arms. After all, Alternia already has ghosts, eldritch rulers, and psionic powers; why is magic where others draw the line? She is a reflection of magic and how it is practiced in the modern day, in a setting that lets us get a little more fantastic with the outcomes. 

First Impressions:
Boroka expertly mixes the wild with the subtle. Her overly cutesy and glittery aesthetic is mellowed by her achromatic pallet; she is slow to speak, but when she does, the words that come out of her mouth often confuse and anger those around her. She’s very up to date in meme culture, but is a fan of purposefully misusing current memes for that good cursed content. [Fullbody reference by royallyfuckedocs]

Starter & Plot Food:
Runs a TrollEtsy shop, where she sells knit clothing, cross stitching, and carvings with either a fandom or witchy twist. She doesn’t sell spells, but she will do tarot readings!
Very active online in anime fandoms, especially magical girl ones. Largely shitposts, but occasionally an advocate for accessibility in fandom spaces.
Possibly looking for a coven? Even though Boroka shares her practice with Attune, she doesn’t even believe in magic, and practices kitchen magic anyway, which isn’t in Boroka’s scope. 

Extra Notes:

  • Boroka’s sight was lost in a magic accident! She doesn’t like getting into the details, but claims that the reaction was volatile and uncontained, and that as it was going haywire it got her in the face.
  • In reality, her eyesight was just the price; Boroka was performing a ritual intended to bless her with psionic powers. The ritual took her sight, and in exchange gave her psionics she would not be able to use effectively if she had sight. 
  • Nobody knows her real blood color. (Not even the mun >:D) 
  • Favorite anime is Troll Sailor Moon.


Attune Apurva (Total Eclipse of the Pwesident) - Best a frans! You two were in the same online knitting circle, and you were the first person to suggest she sell her stuff. You visited her to help set up some shipment stuff, and it turns out she not only has a café, but she’s a kitchen witch!! She refuses to believe you, but once you convinced her to start selling her “lucky,” tea and soup packets, her online orders nearly tripled.