🗲 Xiāo 🗲



1 year, 3 months ago



姓名   Name 囂美 Xiāo Méi
年龄   Age mid-twenties
祖国   Homeland altalune
专业   Profession guildmaster
元素   Element lightning
  code bysonne

Unless you're here for business, do not make attempts to waste my time.

My family, a myriad of problems, none which wanted an answer nor solution. Like all the other days it would end the same - Until we decided to break the pattern. It was the day I bared my teeth, and was silent no more.

问月 Asking The Moon

故事 Story

  the waning moon hangs alone...

Born in a family of nobles, Xiao was a boy raised to bring honor to his family and their legacy of the Golden Snake, his slitted eyes being the most prominent feature in his family bloodline. His parents were incredibly strict, but it was the only love he knew, and he respected them despite their cold demeanors, for they gave him a home, food that few others were able to afford in the lands of Altalune, all the garments he ever could want, and a purpose - Even if it was not one of his own choosing.
He was a well-mannered child, but curious to a fault, causing his parents to immediately ban him from ever going out on his own - A punishment worse than any beating he could have taken, at least in his eyes. One that he could not accept, and for that reason alone, it was the only times he would disobey them, escaping his home at any chance he'd gotten, just to see how the Sun and Moon shined anywhere else. Even at the cost of going through numerous sessions of being whipped for it.

  ...lightening my memories.

Though he was taught combat, Xiao felt like his training sessions were far too slow, almost as if they were trying to prioritize grace over practicality, and per his own custom, he would sneak out in search for more curious and difficult training on his own volition - But that almost costed him his life, had it not been for a nameless stranger that would later become his most trusted friend. In a blink of an eye, he saw the people in front about to take his head, only for them to be the ones to fall on the other boy's feet. Xiao was taught that he must never stay indebted to anyone, and so before anything else he asked the boy what it was that he wished for, and upon hearing the answer, it changed both of their lives forever from that point on.

The boy had no home to return to, and so Xiao brought him to his instead. While his family was, as usual, outraged that their son would disobey them yet again, they were relieved to hear of the other boy's sudden appearance. Seeing how Xiao spoke about him on the first day, they thought - Their son could very well use a servant, especially one who was skilled enough to take care of any dangers that Xiao has found himself in. Because of this, his ban was partially lifted - He was to go almost anywhere he pleased, provided that he does not stray too far from his home, and with the other boy always by his side. Then, the boy was given his very own name - Haneul.

The two quickly grew entirely inseparable from each other - Xiao never saw Haneul as a servant, but as an equal, a brother, someone he could be close with, share his secrets, tell him his dreams, and comfortably appear 'weaker' than the persona he tries to keep up for the sake of his parents, yet Haneul saw Xiao's 'weakness' as anything but. The freedom to express oneself, to strive for freedom and to want naught else but to feel the wind from lands yet to be uncovered - Within each other they found family, a connection and understanding that others simply were not able to have with either of them, and so they promised to always go together, not for the reasons Xiao's parents want, but for entirely their own.

  an endless array of thoughts overwhelm me...

A few years later, Xiao was found wanted by another young boy he and Haneul found lost in their forests. It was not unusual for children to wander off in Altalune's lands, but the same lands gave birth to the most ravenous of beasts as well as people who would do anything to fight off their territories. While Xiao was learning to become stricter, deep inside his heart was still soft and unable to simply leave an innocent person behind, and so they eventually brought him to his home, saying that he was a child of Wind, that surely could be of some use. His parents had little reason to refuse another servant provided that he follows the same rules as Haneul - Mistakes that endanger Xiao or put his family to shame would not be tolerated.

  ...so I ask the moon on the window sill...

Even though the three of them had many fond adventures together, all of it felt like a simple play of pretend, Xiao knowing that their lives were entirely dependent on his own choices, and while that in and of itself didn't scare him, the thought of losing that control because of whatever reason his parents chose frightened him beyond comprehension. Many of their fun days of laying in the tall grass and exploring the unknown was joy that turned sour the moment Haneul made a mistake - And Xiao, gentle-hearted as he was, refused to let him be punished for it, and instead took the blame, followed by his parents immediately placing him down so that he could be whipped and punished for yet another disobedience. There was never any sort of inner peace for Xiao, for he knew that the days would inevitably come, and he had long since prepared himself for many more sessions just like this, just so that the one he cherished the most wouldn't be stripped of their name, their home and, most of all, banned from ever seeing him again.

He did what he could, but even Xiao himself knew that this would only last for so long before they would be inevitably found making a mistake that Xiao wasn't able to catch and prevent or take the blame for, and they would be on the streets yet again, forced to fend for themselves in a land unforgiving - An unspeakable future that he wanted to prevent, and so when Haneul suggested for all of them to flee, he did not hesitate even a moment before asking about the plan. These two were not his servants, disposable flesh with no meaning - They were the people he held closest to his heart, and he tried to differentiate himself very clearly from the rest of his family who cared not for the consequences of throwing the other two out.

  "...is that person still there?"

In due time, they'd learn to become terribly good liars, as a way to make themselves appear as if they were far more docile, that they have indeed learned their lesson, and have slowly started listening more to what Xiao's parents had to say. It bought them more time to plan their escape, but Xiao was becoming more and more quiet. All three of them had a mask they began putting on, but Xiao's felt the most obviously suffocating one. He had many things to say, and he spoke in earnest - But his tongue was the most dangerous, and so he had to become just like the Snake - He would not speak, instead he would be silent as the grave, becoming the listener instead of the speaker, hiding his true intentions and emotions from the plain eye to see.

But his friend of the Wind, his lies were the most angering ones. Xiao didn't want to admit to himself that the boy was weak, weaker than both Xiao and Haneul, and that he would not be able to survive with them. No, he instead chose to believe that he could find a place with them, everyone else be damned, but the boy knew this better than anyone, and so when the time came for them to run, he sent them off even faster with the power of wind - With the most innocent and warm smile Xiao had ever seen, it was right then when he realized that his mask was nothing in comparison to his friend, who so easily threw their life away as mere 'distraction' just to ensure that he and Haneul could escape together. It was the last time they ever spoke or saw each other, but even though Xiao wanted to run back with all of his might, Haneul refused to let him go, running even faster with him on his back, having to listen to him scream and cry like he had never before.

  it answers, the sorrow that held me then dissipates, and i can feel the gentle embrace of the crescent night once more.

Years have passed since that fateful day, yet it still brings sorrow to Xiao's mind any time he's bitterly reminded of it. Yet no matter how much it hurts him, he refuses to let his friend's sacrifice go to waste, promising him that he will always be on the move, always seeking out new places, new experiences, never staying in one place for too long, never to cage himself again, for he was not a pretty bird to be kept in one place, but a beast of unqueanchable thirst for freedom and power, so that he and the ones he cares for may never be hurt again.

When Haneul wanted to change his name to Faris, it was then that Xiao offered a gift - Lotus flowers, a symbol of beauty and rebirth, as well as his last name - 'Mei', meaning beautiful . He mentions that having the same last name could benefit him with finding connections faster in their future work, but besides the practicality of it, he murmurs softly his true reasoning - "You're family."
Such an offer was undismissable by Faris, who for the first time in a long while, Xiao managed to bring out a genuine smile from, the two of them gently putting their foreheads against the other's, and when Xiao asked whether he accepts it or not, Faris then responded with warmth -
"Why of course, my dearest meimei. Together we will be the most beautiful."

个性 Personality

How do they react to confrontation?

depending on context - he appreciates honesty more than anything, so telling him as it is can usually only help. if it's someone who he considers below, inadequate to give harsh commentary and to boss around, he will immediately switch to mocking said person, unafraid of any consequences.

Why did they choose to do what they do?

one time, long ago, a decision was made by Xiao and his closest friends to form a guild to offer the services that no other would at the time - their curiosity was never ending, and their passion for constantly switching up tasks all aligned perfectly with this idea. even if some of them aren't around to reap the fruits of xiaos labor with him today, he chooses to believe that they do observe - and so he continues to do his best to not falter.

Do they have reocurring dreams or nightmares?

not exactly... most of his dreams are filled with silence and darkness. it is rare for him to actually remember his dreams, but when he does, they usually are just some "foggy nonsense" that he refuses to elaborate on to most people.

How long does it take them to trust someone?

terribly long time. xiao is not the type of person to trust anybody easily - while he may sometimes look like he can be easily swayed with coin, it is only a temporary feeling he has before he returns to his usual behavior. the only people he trusts are those in his own guild, and as for everybody else - they unfortunately have to deal with xiao's brutal honesty and public distrust of many of his clients.













has leader qualities


战斗 Combat

Grace of the Black Leopard

A Jian-inspired sword, this weapon was crafted by the finest blacksmiths found in Altalune. With it he's able to conduct lightning and channel his abilities to deal even more powerful damage. He has formed a strong bond with it, as it was a private commission that took a long while to make, and has a lot of meaning and memories attached.

Astral Electricity Manipulation

able to manipulate and manifest various phenomena including blue jet, sprites, etc. due to its nature, the color of this electricity is a vibrant blue, and is the strongest, heaviest attack Xiao has at his disposal. One false move, however, and he may face the same end as those who he attacks.

Diffusion Field

preventing minor telepathic-type of manipulation. for anything greater, it would require great focus. this can be combined with an electricity aura which can be capable of deflecting various attacks. depending on the strength of the diffusion field, he may be temporarily incapable to land any attacks and focus on defense instead.


an electric-based attack where he generates an enormous amount of electrical energy that is able to crush, damage or manipulate surrounding areas.


all of these attacks, depending on their usage, are able to potentially either stun, paralyze, knock-out, or kill. all of his heavier attacks require him to be extremely focused or deal with the consequences as a result of a lack of care, as he's handling electrical currents. some of his other attacks include:
-smaller projectiles (stun)
-cutting circle of electricity that can cut through matter (mid jump flip)
-surrounding himself in complete electricity-based aura (shield/reflect)
-absorption and manipulation - able to absorb electricity and/or redirect it if it's from an external source (other people's magic, or even natural thunder)


Battle themes:
















设计 Design


Facial features

The eyeshadow that he has is actually permanent - It is a type of tattoo that was done for him when he was still young. He chooses to embrace it and has darkened it further over the course of time.
On his cheeks his "snake-like" markings appear on occasion, usually only when he's using his powers extensively, or if he's noticeably aggravated.


A pure black neck followed by the markings of the Snake's eyes, as well as its reminiscent patterns surround Xiao's body, with occasional gold, shimmery stripes.


His large tail puff is filled with sharp spikes - The puff itself is delicate, yet the spikes are no less of a usable weapon, one that he gladly uses as a warning shot.

Additional notes

  • His clothing combines various elements close to him. An overall dark aesthetic with gold metallics featuring the flora that he was surrounded by when he was young - They are reminders of his past and his journey so far.
  • His favorite color is blue, even if he wears little of it for reasons he will not say, as it is a symbol of his connection with Faris, someone who wears this color with the utmost pride. He is particularly fond of the Jade stone for this reason.
你和我 You and Me

Slowly we unfurl, like lotus flowers
Because all i want is the moon upon a stick
Just to see what is
Just to see what if...
There's an empty space inside my heart
Where the weeds take root
And now I set you free
I'll set you free.


关系 Important Relationships


Faris Best Friend

Despite how irritated Xiao gets by being called "mei mei", Faris is the only one who's ever allowed to speak in such language with him. Their bond runs deeper than most, and Faris is always the first and only one to ever see his rare moments of vulnerability - The emotions and thoughts that would have stayed locked up in his mind if Faris wasn't there to hear them. No matter what, Xiao keeps the omen of always having Faris by his side - This time, he won't let go. After all, he has to keep returning the favor of unforable nicknames too, his being "狐狸精 / Fox Spirit".

Other Relationships


Hypnos guild member


Nyx guild member


Lukas friend | guild member


Azalea guild member


Halil guild member


Oleander guild member