Citron Burns



6 years, 2 months ago


Standard World; Earthgiphy.gif"This world is the closest to normal Earth. This is the world that relies on mostly realism with a lot of influence from the supernatural or divine. This world contains humans, variant humans, angels, demons, and ghosts."

Standard World; Orchardoriginal.gif"The clothing store owned by Citron and Cherry that was previously owned by their parents. Specializes in women's clothing with a casual or 'country' vibe. It is slowly expanding as it becomes the rival store of 'Temptation', and shares a building with a smoothie bar."

Citron |  ->  | 24 years | 5'8 | INTJ| Human| Seamstress

"I'm not a workaholic... There's just nothing else worth doing."


History and Current Whereabouts.
Citron wouldn’t have met her sister and current coworker until she was at least 3 or 4 years of age. Before her mother divorced, her memories are quite hazy since she was so young, but she remembers it as a stressful and depressing time since there was a lot of fighting in the household. After the divorce, Citron's mother married Cherry’s father. Citron and Cherry were able to start bonding almost right away, when Citron would talk about what she went through that led to Cherry giving her comfort. Their lives after that were normal, going through normal growths, normal phases and normal school. However, during all of her growth, Citron started to notice something. She was not born female, but it was starting to become clear to her that she wanted to be one, and that added to her starting to experience dysphoria with her body. She didn’t really understand what was happening with herself until she did her own research, and she didn't quite come to terms with it until she talked to Cherry. Eventually it was clear to her that she was a girl. Not really wanting to attract any attention from classmates, she waited until her senior year and onward to transition, and she has been subject to teasing for it here and there, which caused her to become a by more shy and even antisocial, but since she was so satisfied with her choice it didn’t bother her too much. Part of it was just her personality. It was also in her senior year that she and her sister learned of the talent they had for fashion, and found it convenient that their talents went hand in hand. Citron was good at sewing, and Cherry was a natural designer. They graduated high school and decided to take over the clothing store their parents own and remodel it, while their parents went on a round the world vacation. Citron is now fully transitioned and is satisfied with who she is, along with what she does.
Citron is only a little taller than the average girl, standing at 5’7. Her frame a little on the thinner side- but her body well proportionate. Her skin is brown, fair and without blemish. Her her is an even darker brown, carrying a slight reddish hue. It has split ends, giving her hair a bit of a bushy look once it reaches her shoulders. When she cuts her hair, it may go away for a while, but will always return. Her eyes are light orange, and stand out from the rest of her features. More often than not, she has bags or dark circles under her eyes. If someone is around her often enough, they can sometimes catch her wearing glasses for either reading or when she has to do very careful work. Her general structure is delicate, but she has sharp features around her face. Citron often leaves herself in pajamas, either throwing a cardigan over it or exchanging pajama pants for simple pair of jeans before she gets to work. She prefers to be comfortable more than anything. But she can often be caught wearing a signature pair of loose overalls, or her many sweaters- sometimes even wearing borrowed sweaters from Cherry. She usually wears  denim, cream colors, grays, browns, or oranges. 

  • Her voice is soft and also raspy.
  • She smells like new fabric and tangerines. 
  • She never wears make up.
  • Since she was young, she has a scar on her arm from when she got stitches for a broken arm.
In general, Citron is very closed off and antisocial. It's not that she dislikes or is annoyed by people, she just doesn’t have many circumstances where she has to interact much. She spends most of her time in the work room, working late into the night, and only going out around that same time. Any shopping or finances are handled by Cherry, along with cashier work and setting up the store. She prefers solitude, and can be a bit a workaholic when it comes to her hobby. She rarely gives herself rest and has bad habits when it comes to it. She’s often tired from many sleepless or work filled nights, frequently falling asleep right at her station or at her favorite diner if she isn’t careful. She’s prone to tons of junk food, and often has to be coached by cherry in terms of what she puts in her mouth. Her favorite is cheap diner food like burgers and fries.

When it comes to people she doesn’t know, or just people in general- Citron can be quite shy. It’s less that she’s scared of people and more that she never really knows how to interact with them, and when you ask anyone else, they could say the same thing about talking to her. The way she acts in general can take some getting used to,  since she is usually in her own little world. She’s closest to her sister and often needs her sister to introduce her to someone first before she makes a real effort to be approachable. When someone does get to know her; she is hardworking, reliable, friendly, slightly aloof, and has a passion for animals. 

  • She forgets to drink water a lot of the time.
  • While she likes sewing, she cannot stand knitting and has a harder time with it.
  • She prefers salty food and doesn’t much like sweet things.
  • She often groans when she has to do stuff she doesn’t like.
  • She can go on for hours about clothing related topics.

Her favorite thing to do besides sewing is to spend time with her sister, she likes watching award shows, pageants or reading magazines and critiquing people’s clothing.