


1 year, 8 months ago


Rokkva Jahr was a victim of the Great Flood of the Sixth. 

One of the once-final survivors, she and hers had bunkered down to face oblivion at world's end. As she was meeting her demise, an inexorable force yanked her soul free, tearing it through countless barbs and daggers and cracks until it arrived on the Source. 

Once summoned, this newborn beast keened, wreaking devastation all around it. Fueled by despair and fury and remorse, the creature began to wander, aimlessly toddling through the Allagan wilderness. It was given a name based on old myths and horrible stories: Rusalka.

The temporal instability across the shards as well as the summoner's powerful triangulation magics meant that Rusalka had been pulled through both time and space. The summoner had been searching for a being such as her to serve Allag's energy interests, to siphon her remarkable Astral energies. As such, Rusalka was hunted by the realm's finest warriors, and though they left nary a dent, they did not escape without knowledge. 

Equipped to the teeth, an Allagan taskforce eventually captured her. She was confined harshly, drained of her energies for untold years, but the Allagans did not last forever. Upon their civilization's collapse, Rusalka began her crusade, singlemindedly meting out revenge whenever and wherever she could.

Through the millennia that passed, the beast's fury calmed. Drifting through life and through the partnerships of sorcerors powerful enough to earn her respect, she eventually found herself with a significantly expanded consciousness, and is now trying to live some sort of a life.

She hasn't been a person for untold ages, and she has a feeling she's not very good at it. But Rusalka lacks shame and exists purely to indulge her curiosities, at the moment.

Rusalka does not perceive the world typically. She mostly lacks a corporeal body. She is blind, she cannot smell, and she cannot taste. She uses her keen aethersight to navigate, though it is based in the water aspect, and serves her poorly in arid climes.


the daughter of a baron. genetic condition. probably won't live to see far past 30. her face is shaped differently. people don't tend to like looking directly at her. has jaw problems. Her family love her dearly but she feels stifled by them, and their pity deeply chafes against her. But there's nothing she can do -- this is how it is. Seeing the steep inequality outside her curated life has her guilty for any negative feelings, and so she balls them up deep within.

tends the grounds and garden. accepted her lot in life early, which has led her to a kind of neutral pessimism. This escalates into a desperate nihilism as she grows and begins to see the full depths of her family's mistreatment of their "lessers." She will die before she can inherit the keys to the operation, and her younger siblings are all poised to replicate their parents' cruelty. 

she spends ten years trying and failing to affect change. She gains the contempt of her family, becomes utterly alone. When her body permits, she sneaks into the city, desperately looking for some kind of solution. She knows little of common life, and is suspicious as hell

is ready to live out her last days in her garden when the end of the world arrives.


The flooding reaches her family last, their manse a high peak atop a mountain. They are the only ones still alive up in the attic. Her family had refused to allow commoners' entry into their grounds. They would not listen to her pleas. Rokkva feels their blood on her hands. Ten years of her life were rendered pointless.