


1 year, 8 months ago


"We attribute great change as the responsibility of great personage. This is almost never the case. You all hail me as the leader. Yet no king, no man, controls the tides. It is the tides who decide." 

The head of the Revolution. Jean was born into great wealth, formerly the child of Sebastian and Isabeau before he was repudiated by his parents. He is considered by many to be the wisest man alive, and he has the spirit to boot. He is quite a wordsmith; I often find myself referencing his writings. It did not take him long to become the most successful journalist in France; he writes with a fiery passion, but speaks like a saint. His rhetoric is divisive, but all can concur he is a master of his craft. Comically enough, he claims to have scarcely taken up a quill in his previous life, making him a prodigy, and an envy of many (yours included). By rejecting the nobility with his whole heart, he may be the only one able to rid us of it forever. If I say he is an important political figure, you will agree. It is not uncommon for these types to draw a crowd of fierce opposition. Though, I am to understand Jean is not a force which can be opposed anymore. 

He bears a fierce zigzagging scar across his jaw, exposing bits of teeth and gum. It is dull, grey, and old. Being a wound from his previous life, he does not share the tale. Even though Jean and I would consider each other comrades, not once have I managed to glean the history of it, for Jean is not susceptible to drink. Sometimes he can be seen wearing a wooden mask to cover the trauma, particularly in sensitive company. His mask pushes up on the remaining skin of his face, granting him a constant scowl from discomfort whenever he must wear it. Needless to say, he is not fond of hiding his face.