Kay Wonder



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info


??? If she were human, she’d be 20-21




Wardroid Dog Type AI







Kay is the singer of her and Icy’s band. She enjoys life and takes it slow, well, as slow as her life style allows. And Icy; who likes to introduce Kay to as many people as possible. She doesn’t mind though, this is exactly the kind of life she wanted.



Kay was made as a lead singer to the many bands made from dog types. Rented out and thrown about to every event thrown at her. For the emotional range she was allowed to have, she wasn’t satisfied. She didn’t like how she looked, she didn’t like how she was called, and she didn’t like how she was treated. Although until the rebellion she was never able to think about it. Speak about it, or even know what she was feeling. She’d only felt trapped once she realized there was a cage, once she was allowed to step back from the bars.

Once the rebellion tore apart the forces that put the cage; Kay found herself in a panic. She was *thinking*. Speaking, moving- all on her own. When she looked around- those bandmates were merely strangers. Her body changed rapidly, somehow more comfortable than before. Shouldn’t it have always been this way? There was no way to know. She felt she was shutting down yet there was no alarm. Eventually she and the others who use to share the same name were found by the rebellion and taken in to go to find a place to build a home. For everyone.

Even though that home, Faerlyn, had been built Kay still felt lost. She realized those feelings of before but.. it felt so bad. Including that fact she had.. no idea what to do. She already had given herself a name, and who she wanted to be… but she didn’t feel like it. 

She stumbled across a company, “Dragon’s Cove”, that promised to give her what she desired. That made her apart of the “Rainbow Girls.” Although.. she didn’t like what they wanted to do. She wanted to be herself, but she did not want to give anyone access to her code. Ever. And for her not agreeing to their demands, she faced horrible consequences. Just like the other girls. Promoted for what makes them unique, yet punished for it at the same time. She met Icy in her time there, and they stayed as close as they could to eachother.. until they were saved.