


6 years, 1 month ago


Lament is a batwinged, imp-tailed grifflie who is split into 3 personalities. Lamb, who has the mentality of a child; Lament, who is apathetic, logical, and rational; and L, who is impulsive, grabby, and "MINE MINE MINE!!". When Lament was little, he wandered into a forest with his friend Roshan. Roshan wasn't looking where he was walking and tripped over a large vine and plummeted to his death as he fell off a steep ledge and snapped his neck. Redwood, who was maybe 76ish at the time, came down to try to console Lamb, the original "Lament", split into who he is today. Primarily L and Lament, but sometimes Lamb when talking to the right people.
Lament dragged his friend's corpse out of the woods and confronted his friend's parents about it. He tried explaining the situation to them, but they weren't buying it, and thought Lament murdered Roshan out of cold blood. This wasn't helping Lament's current emotional state, causing Lamb to be repressed even more and the other two to be much more hostile. 

Years passed and both Redwood and Lament had forgotten all about the actual experience of Roshan's death, though neither of them actually forgot what happened. It was just so repressed in the both of their minds that it could only be resurfaced with the right combo of words.

Around 20 years later, Redwood attended a piñata bashing festival of lights which Lament was also attending. Although Lament did not recognize Redwood for her physical appearance, his subconscious was telling him that Redwood was important. So, for the remainder of the festival, Lament had stalked Redwood, and eventually went as far as kidnapping her with a rag and chloroform. Lament dragged Redwood down into his basement and did.. very racy things, to say the least. Redwood tried to talk him out of it but taking to 3 ever-changing personalities all housed in one body that has you handcuffed to the wall and pinned to a futon can prove to be quite difficult.
After a week Lament became satisfied and let Redwood go, although she knows he still stalks her. She'd call for a restraining order but she doesn't have the heart after hearing about everything Lament's gone through. She knows that he's long gone, and far too out of arm's reach to be saved, but that little goblin in her mind is telling her maybe, just maybe, she can do something about and for him.

- Info compiled and rewritten by Florakoko <3