Wild's Comments

Are you taking art for them? :0

Now that i think about it i do need art for my ocs bsjajaiaai yeah i do! :D

Awesome!! :00

I can offer 2 halfbodies, 1 full, and 2 icons!! (If that's over or under a good price lmk because I'm terrible with prices hueueue ;;)

Sorry for late reply but i accept this<33 also its okay i have trouble with that too ^^ but just importantly dont overdo or stress yourself ;o; 

You can dm me discord for easy access Lamesweet#7228

Yesss!!! Tysm!! :00

The disc tag isn't working :'0

Try with lowecase tjen aaa

lamesweet#7228 this should work :')

Got it! My user is sockologist_ #1032 !!

I wanted to comment on the silly before but i forgot sob

Look at them tho, there are so cute!! Hoping they get a new home <3

It's okay we all forget things sometimes and tysm! 💖 i hope they get well home >w<