


1 year, 5 months ago



Charmingvoice’s personality and description 

A kind-hearted tom who keeps a calm face in the heat of situations, shown as the most mature member of the friend group he’s in. He’s rather heroic and always offers help others with any form of chore or issue that is at hand. As the oldest in the friend group, he does his best to look out for his friends and brother included, and is always ready to share advice and aid. 

Charmingvoice is a sleek furred tom with bright brown eyes. His fur is a smooth brown with a darker brown mask covering his face. His chest exposes a cream tan color with the fur shaped heart. Following, along his pelt he has darker stripes and a brown cape on his back. His tail is dark with some tan at the end. 

His brother is Mandarinpaw 

When he was an apprentice, his (now dead) crush was Distantpaw 

He is in a friend group consisting of Distantpaw, Sunnypaw, Basilpaw, and Sleekpaw. 

This character is based off of Hero from OMORI

There will be slight alterations of this character as we aren’t intending of just taking the games story and just shoving it with these cats. But that doesn’t mean an entire personality switch.