


1 year, 4 months ago


theese things have been around a while. stil trying to find a scientificname for them, i've thought about gammamorph before but it doesnt sound as cool as i want it to ... one day brothers i will find the coolest name ipromise. they used to be also called gamma demons as a lot of people still think they're demons or at least supernatural or malevolent in some way. they aren't.. they don't look like that in their world but manifest as strange echoes of humans in ours. they don't really understand the concept of clothes so their skin will sometimes literally just match the patterns of clothes, from a faraway glance maybe resembling a skintight cyclingvest or something. but wehen you look closer you can see its just their skin which looks like dyed felt.

they come from the neighboring wavelength from ours. needlegirl is a gammamorph too. they are the dominant megafauna from that neighbouring wavelength

they sometimes appear in our world/wavelength by accident, sometimes with a purpose. they mean no harm, they are curious beings like us. their ecosystem and society works very different to ours, each animal acting like a neuron in alarge web-like system connecting planets to eachother. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiican explain later with a diagram i will soon pinkypromise