

1 year, 3 months ago











 DoB   ???  
 Sign   ???  
 Pronouns   He/it/they 
 S.O.   Jade Rose

 Height   5'1 
 Build   skinny 
 Eyes   green 
 Skin   Pale 
 Hair   Brown 


Beetle Is a grimwalker made by belos of himself. He thought it would be useful to have two guards, which backfired on him eventually.




  • Craved his palisman himself from stolen palistrom wood. 
  • Has a fucked up looking eye that he can't see out of + a slight lazy eye
  • Has lots of scars from belos/guard stuff but Hides them with a concealment stone. 

 Extroverted   Introverted 

 Instinctive   Calculated 

 Deceptive   Sincere 

 Indifferent   Emotional 

 Reserved   Affectionate 

 Cooperative   Lone wolf 

 Dom. hand   Left
 Attitude   moody 
 Leading trait   curious
 Biggest flaw   caring



Apple blood









Silver and gold

Beetle, originally named Oliver, was made by belos. He is a grimwalker of belos himself. Belos made a second grimwalker as well, one of caleb. This grimwalker was named Edward. They emerged at the age of 10 and were raised as brothers. They were very close to each other. They saw belos as a father figure since they didn't know or understand where they came from. Edward was quite clumsy and frequently messed up belos's tasks. Beetle was also this way, but his brother would alwayezgif-3-007b816b72.gifs take the blame for his mistakes. When beetle was about 11, he had a strange dream where he talked to a stone with a moon ingraved on it. The voice asked him to be his friend, and he agreed. As the twins got older belos began to become more and more violent towards them. Edward had it the worst and he eventually pissed belos off so much Belos killed him. Beetle unfortunately witnessed this and ran away in fear of being killed himself. The light of belos's attack ended up partially blinding beetle. 

Emotional cocoon

Beetle roamed the Boiling Isles for days. He spent most of his time hiding from other guards who were looking for him. He managed to teach himself glyphs from an ancient book He found. He also carved his own palisman using a stolen Palistrom wood log. He eventually wound up in Bonesborough, where he decided to make his home. In a box. For two Years he survived by stealing from vendors and climbing onto buildings. He later met a human girl named Luz, who was also a glyph user. Luz helped beetle enter hexside and make friends for the first time. Nobody was aware of who he really is/was until Luz and hunter had entered belos's mind and learned about the grimwalkers. The connection was made after willow had found old missezgif-3-0d3ac05492.gifing posters that had been put up by the Emperor's coven when beetle had originally escaped. These revealed to the group that beetle once was the silver gaurd. The group confronted Beetle on this and he feared that they would return him to the emperor's coven. He ran away from his friends and hid until he came to the conclusion that his punishment would be less harsh if he returned himself.


He went back to the emperor's coven and stood before Belos, promising him that he was still of use to Belos and the coven, and that he knew important information that would be useful to them. Belos agreed to allow Beetle back into the coven and welcomed him back to his previous position. He informed belos that he knew the wearabouts of Hunter. Flapjack had overheard this, since he had been keeping an eye on beetle, and warned the others to hide hunter before the coven arrived. Despite the raid on the owl house being unsuccessful, Beetle was allowed to stay the silver guard as he was showing to be an asset. Eventually he was able to track down luz and hunter, who werezgif-3-4aba1bdc4c.gif?width=467&height=e all alone, and fight them. Luz and Hunter ultimately beat Beetle in this fight and Beetle, realizing that his failure would certainly result in belos killing him, gave up. Luz and Hunter used this opportunity to tell Beetle the truth about who he really was and what Belos was really planning, ultimately turning Beetle back to their side. Luz invited him to stay with her in the owl house, promising he would be safe there. 


When the day of unity finally came around, beetle and the others attempted to fight belos. The collector then showed up absolutely smited Belos.  The hexsquad and beetle then escaped into the human realm, but where unable to return home. The new environment was strange but familiar. They spent the next few months trying to build a new portal and settling into the human realm, as they were unsure how long they would be stuck theezgif-3-f9db90d839.gifre. Beetle began to feel like he was becoming his own person. He and hunter also became much closer, even calling each other brothers since it made them feel like they had a family. When Halloween came around and hunter got possessed by belos, beetle used all his energy trying to get belos out, but was stopped by a direct hit in the chest from belos that knocked him out. When he awoke flapjack had saved hunter and then we're returning to the demon realm to chase after belos. The hit from belos seemed to have messed him up because he started coughing up goo afterwards. 

Stag beetles fall

 The group returned to the demon realm, where they were attacked almost immediately. The attack caused beetle to get captured by the collector.dgg5h4v-4034cdc0-6885-4221-93ae-92fd725c The collector recognized Beetle and let him join him and King in the archives together. Beetle was sick from his previous attack and wasn't able to play with the collector. The collector was worried and gave beetle comfy pajamas and kept him in a bubble for a while. Later on, the bubble popped. Beetle was free again and went looking for king. He was then cornered the possessed raine. Belos left raine and then took over Beetles body. Beetle had already been weakened and was unable to fight. He was completely consumed by belos up until he was rescued by Luz, Raine, Eda and king. He was unconscious, and later they realized he wasn't alive anymore. He was brought back to life by his palisman, similar to hunter. 


Beetle was able to heal properly in th future unfdgg5kdl-91f20dcb-fe03-4692-afc1-6c5983eaortunately needing to have his leg amputated due to infection from belos. He carved a new palisman, a Cicada named Eternity. He works alongside hunter and helps grow and care for the Palistorm trees. He still seemed to be struggling even after being "healed" and found belos was still in his mindscape somehow. He tries to ignore it and hide it from his friends. 




  • bugs
  • dirt
  • eyes
  • plants
  • shiny things

  • knives
  • Belos
  • Red magic
  • Castles

Lets find each other in the next life.