TBN's Comments


HI I AM the memory 👋 i would like to procure this Bat animal. 

(Sales pitch) Ok. So.  i understand that there is a lot of stickfigures on my Art thing on toyhouse. but i think i can draw some humanoid thingies. i have never done a custom before but i could also try that. if all else fails I can literally give you dollars. i'm not a salesman. but i am. something.   i understand this is under a free  folder but i also dont know what that means.

- The memory

FREE FOLDER MEANS you can have for free :) if you feel like you must draw something though you can draw any of the guys here https://toyhou.se/apotheoseity/characters/folder:616892 


YAY AWESOMEEE. i thought it might've meant that you didn't have attatchement to them so it would be easier to get <- Guy who doesn't trade voice. WELL. I shall draw something anyway. THANK YOU soooos MUCH :3!!!!!!!!!