evening_UFS's Comments

could i claim? :0

Yea sure! Payment is sent to my ko-fi (link on the adopts folder page) and i'll send them over!

AUGH sorry for the late reply!! i was at a con :'0 I was wondering though, could I also claim this adopt https://toyhou.se/19855363.mid-day-ufs to go with this one? 

dw its all g! Im now on a holiday myself lmao, but sure you can!

omg.,,,, i am so so sorry i genuinely thought i replied to u??? AUGH maybe I dm'd u?? I'm not sure but I'm so sorry either way aaaa!! did we discuss where to pay like cashapp or Paypal or anything or did I just imagine that?? :'0

LMAO it's ok!! I know a lot of people don't use TH as a main social (myself included!) ur fine! These designs haven't gone anywhere XD

U can send the funds thru to my ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/kyruolio here's the link for convenience

I'll send the babes over to u once i'm on next!

10 Replies