Bailey Blue Claw



1 year, 3 months ago


Bailey Blue Claw
158cm (5'2)


Kind • Energetic • Adventurous • Curious

Write a small intro for your character here. Think like the summary on a back of a book - 1 to 2 paragraphs to give you a quick glimpse of the character. You'll fill out more details later in the template.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.


  • Making medicine
  • Exploring
  • Stargazing
  • Running around


  • Being called a runt or mutt
  • Her old group of friends
  • Being trapped in a very small space
  • Feeling useless
"When I discover who I am, I'll be free."- Ralph Ellison


Shadow wasn’t born in the pack she was found by a group of hunters from the Lobo pack, they found her in the shadows of a hollow tree thus giving her the name Shadow. When the hunters brought Shadow back to the pack there was a small meeting with the pack healer and the alpha since no one really knows what to do nor want to take care of the pup at the time. Since no one was going to take care of the pup Eyna, the pack healer, decided to take Shadow into her care and raise her to be the next pack healer. During the years it wasn’t really the easiest for Shadow since she was a runt of the pack, an omega that is outcasted by other pups. Eyna always makes sure other pack members treat Shadow as an equal regardless of if she’s an omega, ever since she took Shadow into her own care, she sees her as her own pup, but she also learns some things that she made Shadow promise to keep it as a secret.

Growing up Shadow always felt she never really belonged in the pack every night she would watch the moon and stars from her window as she wonders about the world across the Golden Meadow. One night after coming home from a feast she started hearing whispers as she stares at the moon, in that moment she knew she must leave the pack and Moonlight Valley so during the next 11 days she planned and prepared for the day her new chapter begins as she will adventure into the unknown.


• Design notes here

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

• Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.

• liquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac

• Nulla et consectetur diam.


• Able to perform basic healing spells

• Has knowledge about herbs and flowers that are used for medical medicine

• Her hair glows white on a certain night but neither she nor Eyna (foster mother) knows why

• She's smaller than an average wolf

• She always wears the necklace that was with Shadow when she was found her

Credits by Pinky & Pepperly



Name: Lara Cross

Relationship: Friend



Name: Cherri Evergreen

Relationship: Friend


No bond at all. They barely know each other and don't get along! It's tough working together on a job when both of them are like this. Nam porta dolor mattis, laoreet magna vel, aliquam nunc. Praesent egestas libero id faucibus feugiat. Sed lorem mi, interdum eget dui in, maximus blandit dolor. Ut efficitur tincidunt lectus, efficitur maximus enim egestas ut. Fusce cursus metus metus, lacinia congue ligula egestas in.


Name: Maya Goodwin

Relationship: Friend


Buddies!!! Vestibulum tempus urna sit amet magna fermentum finibus. Praesent tempus, nibh et tempus fringilla, eros augue congue ante, vel tempor eros dui vel leo. Suspendisse eu mauris sit amet est interdum consectetur. Aliquam quis lectus gravida, ultricies massa in, vestibulum tellus.

Name: Travis Goodwin

Relationship: Friend


No bond at all. They barely know each other and don't get along! It's tough working together on a job when both of them are like this. Nam porta dolor mattis, laoreet magna vel, aliquam nunc. Praesent egestas libero id faucibus feugiat. Sed lorem mi, interdum eget dui in, maximus blandit dolor. Ut efficitur tincidunt lectus, efficitur maximus enim egestas ut. Fusce cursus metus metus, lacinia congue ligula egestas in.


Name: Zane Royal

Relationship: Enemy


Buddies!!! Vestibulum tempus urna sit amet magna fermentum finibus. Praesent tempus, nibh et tempus fringilla, eros augue congue ante, vel tempor eros dui vel leo. Suspendisse eu mauris sit amet est interdum consectetur. Aliquam quis lectus gravida, ultricies massa in, vestibulum tellus.

Name: Adam Knight

Relationship: Friend


No bond at all. They barely know each other and don't get along! It's tough working together on a job when both of them are like this. Nam porta dolor mattis, laoreet magna vel, aliquam nunc. Praesent egestas libero id faucibus feugiat. Sed lorem mi, interdum eget dui in, maximus blandit dolor. Ut efficitur tincidunt lectus, efficitur maximus enim egestas ut. Fusce cursus metus metus, lacinia congue ligula egestas in.
