Alan 'Firebird' Reyson



1 year, 4 months ago


you know nothing of me.

Alan Reyson





Heart, Aviana

Assorted Military work


everything to me


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Firebird is one of my main sonas. He is very treasured and I deeply value any interactions with him. He is one of the protagonists in my largest worldbuilding and story project set in a scifi universe. His story follows him from his childhood all the way to his senior years but he is mostly recognised as being in his 40s. Firebird's name is actually Alan, the title 'Firebird' is similar to a callsign as he is from a military background. Firebird is known for being cranky yet loveable.


intro extro

logic feelin

order haste


Firebird is rather tall and muscular with amber brown eyes. He has a warm skin tone and soft brown hair, along with a scar on his upper lip and a long scar down the side of his head. His hairstyle consists of a soft mohawk with optional red streaks as well as braids that line his head before going back into one long plait down his back. He is mostly clean shaven apart from sideburns near his ears, he has no piercings but is sometimes seen in a necklace.

Firebird is often depicted wearing red, black or grey. He has grey-brown boots with clips similar to motocross boots but softer for flight. He wears black pants with red stitching and a red shirt or muscle top. Firebird owns a custom made maroon and black varsity jacket with embroidered phoenix wings on the back. He is often drawn wearing a chest harness for something called a 'kit', similar to a jetpack, which allows flight.


  • Flying
  • Tea
  • plants
  • His kit
  • giving critique


  • the sound of slow moving waves
  • sand in his boots
  • Kids on his lawn/j
  • romance
  • content


  • Firebirds hairstyle was originally based off of the wasteland elders hair from sky COTL
  • Firebird has a receding hairline
  • Firebird is a dog person, he loves dogs and would own one
  • Firebird is known for calling those younger than him 'kid'
  • content


Firebird is often recognised as hot-tempered or stubborn. Alan has a cold exterior, he seems shut off to close relations throughout most of his life. As a child and teenager, Alan had anger issues which he worked on and tried to improve on, he has mostly succeeded with this. To those who know him, Alan is outgoing and caring in his own way, he enjoys his time alone but needs to be around people at his own leisure. Alan is very committed to his work and loves his job, hes a little bit of a daredevil thanks to his confidence in his flight skills. Alan has a fear of losing people, as this keeps happening. He is very turned away from any kind of romantic relationships and refuses to own any pets out of fear of losing them. Alan is very close to his mentor, Sydney and values his opinion above all others.


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Sklaf Park 'Silhouette'

The Sklaf that Firebird knows is different to the one who is my true sona. In the scifi universe I'm working on Alan mentors a human Sklaf. He and Laf are quite close, he taught sklaf much of what he knows and helped him overcome a few fears. During Alans recovery from his crash and being cloned, Sklaf stayed by his then ex-mentor, helping him to train again and relearn weapons. When Laf ran away and faked his death, he kept contacts with Alan, proving their trust in one another. During Laf's return, Firebird feared for his ex-fledgling's life and wellbeing. As Sklaf rejoined the military, Firebird was overjoyed to see him happy and curious again.


Sydney Reid 'Obsidian'

Sydney was Alans mentor. Sydney was a vital part of Alans young adulthood, through training Sydney became like a father to alan, teaching him everything he didn't already know. Sydney watched Alan grow from a rash hot-headed teen with anger issues, into the serious, precise and sweet man he is today. During Alans recovery from being cloned, Sydney refused to leave Alans side, helping him to walk again and teaching him to fly for a second time. Firebird doesn't know where he'd be without Sydney, and Sydney would be lost without Alan.


Olivia Reyson 'Vulture'

Olivia is Firebirds cousin. Alan grew up with Olivia, being taken in by her mother after Alans father was announced MIA. Olivia is often cold and critical as well as headstrong, her and Alan would clash as teens but grew to get along through young adulthood. When Alans crash occured, Olivia gave the call to have Alan cloned, which he later resented her greatly for. As Alan was recovering his anger and resenment toward Olivia grew, he began to almost hate her ways as time went on.

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