Alicia Starsong



1 year, 3 months ago


Name Alicia Starsong

Age 18

Birthday March 21

Hometown The Lost Cradle, Asteria

Affinity Light

Height 5'7" (170 cm)

HTML Pinky


Do heroes live only in fiction? Born twenty-five years before the world's fated End in a town mired with somber acceptance, Alicia spends her days reading tales of knights, dragons, and great kings to the Cradle's children.

But who would a true hero save? The invading country who killed her father, or her home country who'd forsaken her family? As a violent tempest whisks her onto the road with an enemy soldier, she feels her eyes finally beginning to open.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Oak Trees Their haunting canopy reminds her of home.

Fireworks When she was a child, her father once weaved lights of myriad shapes and colors into the night sky.

Fairy Tales Stories of heroes bringing light to the world. One day, she hopes a story is written of her deeds.


Prophecies "Some survive by surrendering to fate. Others live by challenging it."

Cold weather As exciting as snow is, she'd much prefer a tropical getaway.

Tomatoes Despises both their taste and texture.


Attack 50%
Defense 20%
Magic 90%
Resistance 10%
Agility 60%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 80%
Luck 20%


Just When innocents suffer, she rushes to their rescue.

Self-sacrifice Gives much of herself for others, sometimes to a fault.

Invisibility Possesses a rare talent for complete, effortless invisibility magic.

Sight As a child, she developed The Sight, denoted by her pink irises. She sees no illusion except her own.


Rash Sometimes charges in headfirst, putting herself and others in danger.

Large-scale Magic Illusions and invisibility grant her no protection against magical attacks.

Self-deprecating Prone to believing she is unworthy of even simple acts of kindness.

Cold Intimate moments are difficult for her to process. Only knows how to show warmth to her students.