C004 | Louise




Name Louise
Species Pakkeli
Age 54
Height ???
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Straight
Status Taken
Occupation Office Worker / Mother

location Bioyimo [pending]
Theme [song]

A caring mother with a dark secret.

Born in the year of 907.

Louise is hard working Pakkeli, growing up from nothing. She joined a tech business at the age of eighteen and quickly climbed the ladder to a high, well paying job. Much to the praise from those around her, it wasn't long until she grew bored and tired of it. Though she's very high up in the company, she's faced with the fact that there will always be someone above her, treating her unwell.

If it's not her boss or someone else in the cities, it would be the royal family. So of course it wasn't long until she reached the dark spiral that lead to evil group, Valkumous.

Not long after joining- Louise approached a fellow member, Tawny, with the idea of marriage. Using him simply for her own gain, wants, and needs. He agreed out of his love for children.

While the two can have their moments of real love, most of it is faked for public- or sometimes for Xenres, but Louise really hates when Tawny does this because she doesn't want to lie or be fake around her son.

Xenres is what Louise cherishes most in the world.

  • Slowly falling in love with Tawny for real.
  • Louise starts to have doubts in Valkumous' members after the Queen is kidnapped and Petos spoke the truth about her mother. [ X ]