Shin Jeong ☆



6 years, 1 month ago














Name Shin Jeong

Nickname Shi, ⦉𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓷⦊

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age32 (looks to be young 20s)

DOB April 20th

Height 6'0"

Build Lithe


Relationship StatusWIP



Job(s)Idol (variety)



  • Traveling
  • Singing
  • Money
  • Rain
  • Eye Candy


  • Idol Life
  • Clingy Types
  • Being Controlled
  • Rudeness
  • Cats


Calm | Carefree | Respectful | Devious | Professional

Having to put on an act for his work, Shin appears a calm, respectful, and hard working male who adores his fans and all their strange quirks as long as it stays within his boundaries. He has a more flirty side to him, known for blowing kisses to his fans, but has never shown interest in any of them as far as the public eye knows. He’s professional and chooses his words carefully, not wanting to make any errors when he’s under watch of cameras and watchful eyes.
Outside of ‘work’ he’s far more carefree, not really minding what people see of him and isn’t going to start any drama to try and fight someone because they see him a different way. Outside of his sona he does remain respectful of boundaries and treats everyone as their own beings, considering everyone’s feelings to an extent but doesn’t always care enough to be kind about it if he doesn’t think you are important. He has a taste for the more devious side of life, though is picky and won’t just settle for anyone.

Trivia / NOTES

  • He doesn't eat much, having a very strict diet (and very few cheat 'days' or 'meals'). 

  • His favorite genre of music is strangely enough classical, finding it relaxing and reminds him of nicer times in his childhood.

  • He knows many languages, including: English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and is learning French. (His favorite is Spanish.)

  • He greatly enjoys his job, despite how stressful it can be, as he loves singing out his emotions and keeping active.

  • He works out daily on a strict regimen and sees a personal trainer 3 times a week to keep the body shape he needs to have.

  • He doesn't like long sleeved clothes, finding them restricting.

  • He used to have a tail as a child (before he was taken in as a training idol) but had it removed to make himself more desirable.

  • Thinks his brother may have killed his mother, but has no proof of such.

  • Still dislikes his brother, though his brother is quite protective of him for reasons he's not sure of.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Early Life

Born between a woman of very low class and an unknown man, Shin was the second ‘mistake’ his mother made (with his older brother being his first 8 years previous). He never met his father, and in a way he prefers to keep it that way as he’s not sure he’d enjoy finding out what sort of men his mother found as fathers of her children.
He had far from a pleasant upbringing, but what he recalls of his mother isn’t all that bad. Though that is mostly because he doesn’t remember much in the form of details, due to his brother protecting him from whatever horrible truth there could have been. Shortly after he gained his humanoid form (at the age of 4) his mother died, leaving him and his brother to fend for themselves. Thankfully, or unfortunately, his older brother was just old enough to start caring for the both of them and did his to do exactly that. They never did get along while growing up but accepted one another as a part of each other’s life in the long run.
After many years of struggling, Shin’s life turned around when he was scouted by an agency by the name of Idol Factory. They selected him on a whim, enjoying his striking dark colored skin and contrasting white hair and markings, but he was determined to make it. He went through training, auditions, trials, and was eventually taken on for a short contract by an older gentleman who was willing to try a higher risk idol and see where it went.


In current times, Shin made his life and desire anything he might dislike about it, he keeps to it. His once poor lifestyle changed to one of higher class, even taking his brother with him despite any bad air between them. He lives a busy but enjoyable life, bouncing between countries for shows, voice acting cartoons for all ages, acting in roles made or suited for him, and even occasionally going on talk shows to indulge his audience in this persona he made from the outside world to see.
Despite this lavishing life, he is pretty controlled and has to live up to the contract his manager sets for him. He counts it as a necessary evil, and tries not to think too much about it.

Nightmare Form Info

Nightmare Notes

Animal:Japanese Macaques
Height: 6'0"

  • Loves soaking in his nightmare form, especially if warm
  • Very soft, doesn't like how chaotic his fur is so often brushed it
  • Tail is prehensile
  • Doesn't like being in his nightmare form as it's so small

Character Blurb 

A young male who is out to have fun, but is forced to keep this fun personal and of the private type. He is a rather popular idol with many eyes on him, making his life hectic but enjoyable to him. His life is very controlled by his manager and it leaves him appearing as the perfect pretty boy idol with his less than savory desires under his belt.

He is mostly carefree, respectful, and does truly love his job so puts up with it for that and the money.



Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.

"Your life is what you make of it, not from the roots you are born."