Pale Rose Pearl


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A Pearl owned by Rose Zircon. She's a bit skittish and definitely stresses about many, many things, but she tries to hide that by projecting an air of poise and level-headed control. She's damn good at her job as Rose Zircon's assistant, and with how much the lawyer involves her Pearl via complaining and using her as a glorified data bank, she could probably do Rose Zircon's job pretty damn well, too.

In an ideal world, she'd learn to let go of, or deal with her stresses properly, as well as explore her talents in the courtroom, but as a Pearl she's trapped forever in a role of servitude and subtly guiding her owner towards the right evidence needed to crack a case. None of this is to say that she hates Rose Zircon - no, no, her Zircon is actually quite kind, and treats her as a friend in private. She's just... Unfulfilled. Unsatisfied. It's selfish of her to think this way, she knows, especially with how bad off Rose Zircon is and how reliant her owner is on her, but... Still, the feeling remains.

... What's this about a "Little Homeworld"?

Rose Zircon and Pale Rose Pearl have a kind of "Holmes and Watson" type of relationship, but with the twist that Holmes is kind of miserable doing this/not fit for the job, while Watson could do great and would probably want to, but she's not allowed to and also a slave. Yeah... Era 3 was definitely an good thing for both of them.