Agent Almond



1 year, 8 months ago


Name             Elon Almond
Age                Mid 20s
Pronouns       He/Him (Transgender)

Elon was born as Odette, neither of his parents were psychic and he grew up not understanding his abilites. As he got older he came to the decision to hide his powers from his parents and peers as to not stand out. But he never learnt how to safely use his powers, and after a freak accident that caused the death of a cat (an animal he was and still is obsessed with), he had a complete breakdown and developed psychosis due to the stress and trauma.

His parents, finally discovering his abilities, sent him to stay with his grandfather, who he had inherited those abilities from. His grandfather taught him the basics of psychic safety, and noted that he had very strong powers and decided to investigate his grandson's mind to see if the powers could be honed. Instead, he found that Elon's figments had become aggressive towards anyone and anything inside the mind, including Elon himself. Not knowing how to deal with this, he left the mind and warned his grandson not to let anyone inside his mind for their safety, which Elon agreed to. His grandfather then sent him to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp to hone his abilities with the professional Psychonauts. When the summer came, off Elon went. [WIP]
Illusions (Speciality)
Teleporting (Speciality)

Series            Psychonauts 1/2

Extra              Codename is -.