


1 year, 4 months ago


Kelenia Ermez Levine

19 (start) 22 (end)

Transfemme (they/them)




  • They live in an old van they inhereted from their aunt before leaving their hometown.
  • Typically very secretive about their personal lived. Most people know virtually nothing about them.
  • Constantly keeps a pack of gum or several in their pockets.
  • Buys the same articles of clothing in multiple colors, and two of the same color respectively.

Design Notes

  • Stylized with two pigtails, each with very thick braids in them. The number varies from 3-6 for each.
  • Hair is a teal blue! Like Hatsune Miku blue mostly. Ends can vary from light blue to purple on occassion.
  • Since they live in a van they often wear clothing that can be worn year round. Typically in overalls and a loose t-shirt, and some athletic footwear.
  • Rather slender and lean, being one of the taller ones in the group at 5'7.5"


Kelenia Ermez Levine, mostly known amongst their friends as "Lennie" "Nia" "Kelz" or whatever Xanthe yells at them in the heat of the moment, is a quite eclectic and enigmatic person of the motley crew. Often keeping a tight lid on anything to do with their origins, their snarky and sarcastic quips healthy contrasts the lighthearted trio. They were the third key Alastair formed a contract with, which Alastiar was mostly pressured into it by Kelenia via blackmail after witnessing the trio using their powers multiple times.

Introduced in the story as one of the major added Keys to the original Key Ring, they aren't one of the stronger Keys of the group, power or combat wise. However they have one of the most diverse power sets of the Key Ring, as they are introduced with the ability to shapeshift into anything, or anyone they want to. Aside from this, combat wise they have crystal materialization, which they often use in conjuction with their ability to manipulate vibrations to shatter & shoot crystal shards at will. However they can make the crystals they form take whatever color, hardness, and shape they need to at any given moment, giving them one of the most fluid ranges for a base power.

Seizing the oppurtunity to slide in a snide remark here and there, Kelenia doesn't hesitate to tell people what's on their mind, in whatever fashion it might come out in. Unsurprisingly very perceptive, and quick to figure out if anyone is hiding anything from them, they are profoundly insecure and often darts around opening up to others in fear they won't like the person they present themselves as. Quick to take charge in a situation if A calls for it.