
1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Jens Garsa


27 years old


Bisexual, prone to homosexuality


a hybrid of a wolf and a crested newt


Is unknown


professor of biology and chemistry at the university


198 cm


75 kg



1. His family was the most ordinary, they did not stand out from the crowd in any way, with one exception that they always had a lot of money.
2. Jens' father was a bandit and earned his family's living by robberies and murders. The boy's mother worked in a cafe as a senior pastry chef.
3. The guy's father was rarely at home, but Jens and his mother could always count on large daily payments.
4. The boy was always calm as a boa constrictor and extremely reasonable. He did well at school, where he was an outcast because of his taciturnity. He has never participated in class activities.
5. He has always loved animals and he was lucky that his parents never forbade him to experiment in his life and get different pets.
6. In the future, Jens will enter the university at the Faculty of Biology.
7. He will decide to devote his life to teaching biology and Chemistry students at the same university. He will be very popular with students for his charisma and kindness.
8. With age, Jens has become more open and sociable. He easily finds a common language with different people and is perfectly able to read the behavior and emotions of his interlocutors.
9. The guy has equipped his apartment completely for pets. Yes, he has a lot of them. 2 cats, a dog, several rats and guinea pigs, lizards, and even a large individual of the grass snake family, which he bred himself.
10. Already named Kai is Jens' most beloved pet. This snake is very tame and affectionate, the guy always tries to spend time with him.
11. Around the age of 17, the guy realized that he liked men. Although he had experience of relationships and sex with girls, Jens did not like it at all.
12. At one of the meetings of classmates, Jens will begin to actively communicate with a cat named Johan, whom he did not digest during his school years. This guy was too active and extravagant and it scared off the introverted wolf.
13. But during a long conversation it turned out that Jens and Johan have a lot in common and eventually they started a relationship.