Pi (persona!) (Pi’s Daycare)



(PJ's Daycare, but with Pi.)

AU where Pi is a college student who opened a daycare after taking courses on childcare and development. Primary caretaker, works with ~5 other caretakers under her (Igor, Ray, Goofy, Nel, and Kyleigh.)

AU Sanses (ages ranging from 2-5 in the daycare and 5+ in the connected Pre-K) are the regular kids at the daycare. Currently the daycare is at capacity, children include the following:

  • Ink
  • Error
  • Geno
  • (Fresh) Jr
  • Lust
  • Sans (Classic)
  • Cross
  • Horror
  • Dream
  • Nightmare
  • Blueberry (Swap)
  • Killer
  • Dust
  • Reaper
  • Fell
  • Red (UF!Erin, OC)
  • Blackberry (SwapFell)
  • Erin (OC)

Family & Child Info

Fresh Family(CQ Family)

In this AU, (Parasite) Fresh is an adult and is the legal guardian of Geno, Error, and Fresh Jr. Continuity isnt very vital, so we say that Fresh just named Jr after himself (Fresh Jr is referred to as Jr, Parasite Fresh is referred to as just Fresh.)

Jr has a crush on Ms. Pi, however for obvious reasons Ms. Pi does not entertain this. When Jr makes a comment about marrying her when he grows up, Ms. Pi responds with an invitation to be his best friend instead. This suffices. Fresh on the other hand, Pi does entertain… Much like in Pi’s canon, the two are romantically involved, however in this AU are simply in the flirting/early dating stage.

As for the personalities/info of the children, they go as follows.


Geno is in the Pre-K section of the facility, so he isn’t in the main story much. He acts as a know-it-all older brother to Error and Jr. Geno is 6 in this AU, making him ready to start kindergarten soon. Geno is reserved, but not shy. He is a very sickly child, and coughs or sneezes frequently.


Error has your typical middle-child syndrome, he’s just younger than Geno at 5 years old. He feels left out and overlooked, however doesn’t make an effort to gain attention. He prefers to stay by himself. Error is the type of kid to fully believe that everyone around him has cooties, and subsequently refuse to touch anyone (except for his dad, sometimes.) There was one time when Ms. Pi attempted to pick him up, and he threw a screaming fit.


Jr is an iPad kid in almost every way. His hands are always sticky, unable to talk about anything other than the content he watches, and watches his videos on full volume. Jr has a lisp, which he’s taking speech therapy for; at 4 years old he’s at an advantage to nip it in the bud. Fresh is often coddled by his dad and therefore has never really faced consequences at home, oftentimes Fresh will just stick an iPad in his face to keep him occupied. Through rigorous efforts, Pi has managed to break some of these habits from Jr and helped him become a more adjusted kid. She’s also in the process of getting him tested for autism…

Fell Family

The Fell family is a very sad situation. There are three kids; Fell, Swapfell, and Red. Their parents are out of the picture, so the children are being taken care of by their eldest brother (UF!Papyrus, barely an adult.) after winning custody of them. The Fell kids’ closes are often seen as torn and ragged, as Papyrus is very overworked and tired. They’re barely scraping by.


Fell is the oldest of the three, being 5. He’s an extremely picky eater, and doesn’t follow rules very well. He’s a havoc-reaker by nature. Similar to with Fresh, Ms. Pi has to work extremely hard to break old habits with Fell, and teach him how to listen to those in charge. He and his sister, Red, are constantly at each others’ throats, always fighting and bickering. This usually results in hitting and kicking, which the adults quickly have to separate them for.


Blackberry’s real name is Swapfell. His parents weren’t very creative, and frankly didn’t care enough to come up with a better name. Swapfell is the middle child, sitting at 3 1/2 years old(the 1/2 is very important to him.) Swapfell has been isolated by his peers, which led him to become very dependent on Ms. Pi. He’s often seen holding her hand or clutching her apron, which she doesn’t mind. The reason for his shunning by the other kids was an incident in which he hit Blur, and he cried. Blackberry is very jealous of Blue, and tends to copy him. Blackberry was given his nickname by Ms. Pi! When she asked him what he thought about his name, he said he didn’t like it and wished he had a different name. She offered to give him the nickname Blackberry, to which he was absolutely elated. He found a lot of confidence with his new name.


Red is the youngest of the three, and one of the youngest at the daycare; she’s only 2. Despite being so young, Red is quite vocal and onry, especially to her older brother. The two fight like cats and dogs, which she usually initiates. She’s a spiteful little one. Red sighs and “mansplains” to those around her, including the caretakers. She has a grandiose opinion of herself, which leads to an inflated ego and sense of importance. She thinks she’s always right.

Other Kids

Sans and Erin

We don't really have a definitive name for them, we just know they're Sans and Erin. Sans is the oldest at the daycare, being 6. Erin is the second youngest, as she's only a few months older than Red. Sans is lazy and doesn't like to do his work, but he does the bare minimum to scrape by. Erin is an active kid, she's usually seen sitting with other kids and playing happily with her toys. Both Sans and Erin have an affinity for napping, an usually both will be either asleep or groggy when arriving in the mornings.


He's a really cuddly kid. He's only 3, but he tells everyone he's 4. He's really excited about turning 4, he thinks being older is cool. Lust doesn't get a lot of love at home, his parents are emotionally neglectful. So when he's at daycare, he's clingy, especially on Ms. Pi. He insists on being held and picked up most of the time, which she's become accustomed to. The other caretakers like to joke that he's her favorite, but she always denies it (even though he's the closest thing she has to one.) She's his best friend!


Horror likes to bite. The piece of his skull missing was caused by a birth defect, he was born with it (he does not come from an abusive household, no.) He never grew out of his teething phase it seems, so he gnaws on pretty much anything he can get his hands on. Horror doesn't interact with other kids very much, mainly Killer, Dust, and Lust. He hit it off pretty quickly with Dust and Killer, as they all are pretty wild-card kids; Lust however was an anomaly. Lust is the only kid Horror is actually calm with, he sits and listens to him ramble.

Dream and Nightmare

The twins are pretty much insperable. Dream tends to take the lead in activities, with Nightmare following whatever Dream does. Nightmare is suprisingly shy, Dream isn't. Nightmare is usually found hiding behind Dream. This isn't always in his best interest though, as Dream is very social and talks to a lot of kids, which Nightmare doesn't like. Dream's best friend (other than Nightmare) is Blue, they're really tight, and they're arguably th most popular kids in the daycare. The twins are 3.


Blue is the most popular kid in the daycare, easily! He's fun and outgoing, and very kind. He demands attention, he just has a big personality, which draws others to him. At one point, Blackberry hit Blue during a moment of frustration and Blue cried. Since everyone loves Blue, this caused them to collectively shun Blackberry. Blue was quick to forgive him however, and he tries to be Blackberry's friend. Blue is 4.

Killer and Dust

Thse two are two peas in a pod, partners in crime. They do everything together, which has resulted in them devloping almost the same personality. Both are loud and roudy, which tendencies to break things and hit people. Dust is more malicious than Killer, and Killer is a sweetheart deep down. Dust is a bad influence on him, but both of them are good kids in their own way. Dust is very loyal, and posessive over Killer. Killer just likes running around with Dust! Dust is 4 and Killer is 3.


Reaper is a pretty social kid. He's 6, so he's with the older kids in the Pre-K. His best friend is Geno! Even though Geno is pretty annoyed by Reaper, Reaper persists in playing with Geno. He likes to give him hugs and sit next to him.


Ink is not shy by any means, but he hates interacting with people. He spends most of his time sitting at one table coloring quetly. Ink and Error hate each other, but they tolerate each oter enough to sit at the same table and draw together. Ink hates being touched, and he doesn't hurt anyone by sitting by himself all day, so most adults have given up on trying to get him to do anything else. Ms. Pi will tie some of the kids' scarves into bows, but when she offered to tie Ink's he threw a tantrum and refused. Ms. Pi never brought it up again; if he wanted his scarf tied, he'd come to her.


Cross doesn't talk a lot. At all. He's one of the younger kids, he's only 2. We're pretty sure he doesn't even know how to talk yet. He babbles sometimes, but that's about it. He seems to stare off into space a lot, often looking around at something that no one else can see...