


1 year, 7 months ago





(Ftm trans)

Malinois mix 


Age -150(ish) turned at age 22 

Personality- a man of few words. Not super into small talk and prefers long intellectual conversations. Is somewhat classy of an individual who walks with a purpose. Despite how he dresses he's quite humble and is willing to lend a kind hand if nessesary. 

Backstory- Holt was raised in a small town at the beginning of the first seer genocide and grew in with a bunch of other seer children. Holt is not a seer but had a great bond with the culture and people. During the genocide he did everything in his power to protect Them and in his efforts ended up finding himself ganging up with a bunch if vampires who hated the church as much as the seers. After awhile and when the king torched his town and killed his remaining family the vampires took him in as their own. Bring turned at the age of 22. The vampires supported his transition and assisted with magics as well as getting him top surgery. Changing his voice and removing his breasts. He however didn't care to change his bottom portion. With time the vampires hunted the church as well as did a deal of soul eater hunting which assisted Holt in getting to the position he is in today with his nice estate. He ended up taking in some orphans during the second genocide of seers and caring for them giving them the option to stay or leave his estate and the option of vampirehood. He has sired 3 vampires who still live in his mansion in the woods. 

Little facts-

He does have a beast form he takes when going full vampire mode but doesn't hardly unleash his full power due to it not being classy in his eyes.

Also has a feral form he uses for getting around faster. Very rare you see him in it though. 

He has to wear eyeglasses but often isn't wearing them. He can be spotted wearing them when reading or in his office alone.

He stores blood in wine bottles and drinks it from a glass. He usually doesn't hunt and feed harvesting from his recent assassinations. 

However he cannot get intimate with mortals as the rushing blood and scent drives his bloodlust. He ends up killing those he sleeps with and feasts. 

Since he doesn't drink fresh blood often he gets "drunk" off of the freshness and the adrenaline high 

He has a lot of self control and will often allow mortals safety in his home. He trusts the other vampires to not hunt them as he make sure everyone is well fed.