
1 year, 3 months ago




the alchemist

social skills


chaotic neutral ✦ adult (30s) ✦ he / him

Albedo lives in a headworld that has medieval European themes and some scifi mixed together. He comes from an upper-class family of royal executioners, a profession that is well respected in his world.

The dog is well-read and highly intelligent, but also equally unhinged (something he manages to hide surprisingly well). He is proud to a fault, obnoxiously passionate about his views on alchemy and spirituality, workaholic, outcast. His radical ideologies make him come across as unrelatable and strange.

Albedo is almost completely unable to feel anything for anyone, but he likes the concept of love. He preaches altruism and virtuosity, he wants to be “good” himself, but he can get greedy. If getting something he wants requires immoral actions, he can easily “switch off” his moral compass without feeling any guilt afterwards. He can be extremely opportunistic and manipulative if he wants to.

Aesthetic Quicksilver, iridescence, glories/brocken spectres, ibis birds, alchemical symbols (real and fictional), dull color palettes, mist, white smoke.


Albedo abandoned his family business to become an alchemist. While most of his colleagues’ work revolve around the production of gold, Albedo seems to be most interested in mercury and silver.


Albedo’s views on philosophy are radical and new agey enough to get him killed if he didn't know how to keep his mouth shut in public. Some examples of his ideology includes him being certain that he is god, and that it is possible to create anything out of nothing if one reaches a high enough level of enlightenment.

drug abuse

Albedo has invented a type of strong psychedelic drug that he not only uses himself, but also deals to others as an illegal side hustle. It is especially popular among those who seek to reach a higher level in spirituality. The drug is made out of different herbs and chemicals, and the effects are similar to DMT.

cult activity

Albedo is involved in an elite cult of wealthy citizens through his family. He doesn't agree on the cult's ideologies, but stays in it for the sake of miscellaneous benefits that the members get access to.

Albedo also has a small, but devoted following of his own. This group consists of outcasts who don't fit in society. As his followers see it, Albedo has given these poor souls a community where they can feel like they belong. The group seeks insights on life from Albedo, something which he is happy to provide.

Albedo rarely asks for anything in return for his "spiritual services", but won't refuse the occasional gifts his followers bring him. He's aware of the unhealthy power dynamic between himself and some of his most devoted followers, but does nothing to fix the problem.
