Antonia Delora Tierra (Inventory)



Just things she carries in her Car + Backpack! She's used to the nomadic lifestyle because of being a travelling performer!

1. Spare set of Performance clothes: You don't know when you need another set of performance clothes! Things happen.
2. Cellphone: How else is she going to play her music when working.
3. Wireless Earbuds: See reason above
4. Wallet: Has all the important things she needs! Cards, Cash (she typically carries around $300-400 spare cash just in case places don't take cards), ID, etc.
5. Knife:While her body is a weapon on it's own, it doesn't hurt to have a knife.
6. Wraps and gloves: Between fighting, parkour, and her performances, these are always a necessity.

7. Aerial Silks/Hoop: She's got a full kit/setup for her work, because again. Travelling performer. While her group always had their own stuff, she always worried about what would happen if they didn't get the kit set-up in time or it got damaged. One too many times of not being able to perform because of SOMETHING made her start carrying around a setup.
8. Two Cats: Her darling cats. They are outdoor cats (though don't mind going indoor as needed in case of weather) so it's not a problem to travel with them. Has necessary items associated with owning a cat tucked away.
9. Clothes: Living on the road, out of hotels/motels and her car, she has her whole wardrobe with her. Well mostly. Enough to get by and buy what she needs at the next stop if she needs something.
10.Med-kit: Honestly her dads insisted on it, at the rate that she fights and jumps off things, and any practicing incidents. She knows passing-knowledge on how to patch herself up. Enough to get by at least.
11.Misc. Items:

12, Special Item: