


1 year, 7 months ago


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Name: Bree

Date of Birth: March 19th

Job: Farmhand

Appearance: Bree is a fit and energetic Australian cattle dog with a sleek, short coat. Her fur is predominantly white with patches of black and brown. She has alert, intelligent eyes that are a deep shade of brown. Bree is of average height for her breed and has a strong, agile build.

Personality: Bree is known for her friendly and outgoing nature. She is always ready to lend a helping paw and has a strong work ethic. Bree takes her role on the farm seriously and is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of the animals under her care. She is a reliable and responsible individual who takes pride in her work. Bree is also a highly sociable dog and is well-liked by everyone she meets. 

She has a natural ability to get along with people of all ages and is considered the cool friend in her social circle. Bree is confident and approachable, making her an excellent companion. She sees Charlieas a little brother, although he can sometimes be a bother. Bree enjoys the friendly rivalry with Bailey'sfamily and sees it as a positive motivator to always strive for improvement. She is forward-thinking and constantly considers the future when making decisions. Bree is also the proud owner of a yellow jeep on her family's farm, which she uses for various tasks and transportation.