



Original Cost: 30 dA Points

aliases: Overly
alliance: decepticons
alt-mode: Cargo Ship
personality: boring, the everyman, ordinary
relationships: kraken (co-workers) , exabyte(??? hesitant friend), treadwater (forbidden romance)
function/occupation: freight forwarder / inventory associate

Story Snippets:

- Overboard is currently ‘dating’ Treadwater, who happens to be an autobot and therefore makes their relationship forbidden if anyone was to find out and tell the higher-ups

- Overboard tries to give off his usual 'normie' facade but maybe there's more to his past than he lets on

- Overboard 'owns' a sword which can transform into a minicon and vice verse, minicons aren't always treated fairly and for personal reason Overboard prefers to keep his minicon safe in his room at all times unless he is present