Kurai ame



1 year, 4 months ago


an evil spirit who causes chaos wherever he goes, is the reason his "friend is blind" tho he wishes he was like his friend he can never be. his name was given to him by his "friend" means "dark rain" has a pet sprite which he has not named. was human which is how he knows dae but became corrupted by an evil spirit one day due to suffering from depression allowing him to easily be corrupted by another evil spirit now as to who and what it was, he now has to fight for control of his humanity each day and is trying to keep the very same thing from happening to dae tho maybe that is why dae has the one black eye due to the corruption of being around corrupted kurai for so long but is able to keep his humanity unlike kurai who may one day truly succumb to the evil within his own body and become the very thing he is trying not to become.