


1 year, 4 months ago



»»-----------LEGENDS OF KROZATHIS-----------►


FULL NAME: Celeborn Beldrum
AGE: 20/30
OCCUPATION: Demon Slayer



Adventurous, slightly rebellious, very curious, brave, selfless, strong-willed, independent, loyal, friendly, compassionate, pragmatic, logical, fun-loving, jokey, sarcastic, mischievous, charismatic, possessive. Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, Perseverance. Wanderer, Hunter, Selfless, Kind, Smart, Hero.



VERCA - [ Significant Other ]

When he first meets Verca, it's as a job to kill her, Verca was a monster, and had been extremely violent and causing mass damage in villages, however this was due to a curse put on her years before, and these rampages were never started by her, it was only to defend herself.

Celeborn realized it was a curse by the way she was behaving while studying her from afar. He'll do his best to convince her that he won't hurt her, only wanting to help her, but she doesn't believe him, instead feeling like he's tricking her. They end up fighting, and when Celeborn gains the upper hand Verca begins to plead for her life and tells him her story.

After hearing her out he was able to gain her trust so he could help her and keep her close to protect her from other hunters while he worked on a plan to lift the curse. During their time together they ended up falling in love and once her curse was broken they made their relationship official.

ALASTER - [ Blood Brother ]

Alaster and Celeborn met on one of Celeborn's mission's, Alaster is also a monster hunter and uses a monster's skull he killed long ago as a "mask", they found out they were both hired for the same job, so they worked together and eventually went through with becoming blood brothers after becoming extremely close with one-another. Unknown to Celeborn however, Alaster is a demon, and not just any demon, he's the son of the king of the underworld, but, he longs to be mortal.

VESEMIR - [ Uncle ]

Vesemir's sister married a monster hunter who was pretty reckless at his job, they had Celeborn and shortly after met a tragic fate, leaving Vesemir to raise their child. The two have a very strong bond, viewing each other more as father and son.

BASILIUS - [ Son ]

Currently N/A

GEVAUDAN - [ Enemy ]

When Tera and Vesemir returned to Lior to take the crown, it was then that Gevaudan and his mate Red became the new kings of Eris and became a huge threat to everyone, especially Lior. When Celeborn finished his Demon Slayer training, Vesemir asked Celeborn if he could gather an army and destroy Eris, putting an end to it's evil. Celeborn knew of Gevaudan's story, as it was picking up fame far and wide, Gev has one of the worst reputations, but he figured he could take him down with his experience. However, despite putting up a great fight, he was beat and barely escaped with his life, making Gev one of few things Celeborn fears, his nightmares are haunted by the King of Death. //Celeborn lost his arm to Gev.//



When Celeborn was a young teenager going through his monster hunter training he was ambushed by soldiers of the evil kingdom and overpowered to take a potion they created that would turn him into a monster and make him work for their king ((The evil kingdom feared and admired Vesemir's bloodline and wanted them.)) Their plan only half worked however as Celeborn was saved by his classmates, but he was now half monster.

At first Celeborn was ashamed and discouraged, the event led to him being kicked out of the program. It also caused him to have severe mood swings where he'd act out like a monster, but Vesemir took Celeborn under his wing and continued to train him and give him encouragement, helping get his monster half under control. He discovered a cover up spell to hide Celeborn's monster appearance from the public.

However it wasn't long before Tera took her throne and began implementing changes, including changes to the monster hunter program, no longer was it a facility focused on killing monsters, now it's goal was to help them, and to slay the true monsters, the demons who were turning innocent people into the monsters the hunters were killing. And thus Celeborn was able to go back and continue his training, not as a monster hunter, but as a demon slayer.

Through his training they discovered that Celeborn's monster abilities were a huge advantage in being able to help monsters.

By the time remedies began to be made to help/fix monsters, Celeborn had already gotten used to being half monster and relies heavily on his monster abilities, especially in combat against demons.

Celeborn very quickly became famous among the people and feared by most demons.



Currently N/A


code by hanyu