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Ahhh tysm!! I never knew that!!! ❤️

hullo! are you still doing these by chance? :eyes:

I’d be willing! I can only do flat color rn though!

sure id be down! would Kix be an okay design?

Yeah!! 14$ without clothes 16$ with clothes!!

I take PayPal, cashapp, and Venmo!

schweet i can do paypal!

[email protected]

Put your th user name when sending it!!

5 Replies

Are these still open? :)

They are not as of right now! :)

Can i get one of this guy ? :D

Yes absolutely I'm so sorry abt the delay I've been very busy with work recently!

Would you still be interested?

i am! :D

Awesome! Please dm me on Instagram for more details!

Same user as here

could i get one of this character please ? :0

Yeah can you please dm Patheticcat_doodles on insatgram :)

will do!!

just went on your profile but i can dm unless you dm me first!! am i alright to give you my username ??

hello! may I get one of this boy please?

Yes absolutely do you have instagram?

I do! its my editing account but its qvickweb